Timewave 2012

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A way to transform your windows into a mac Free

If you all want to switch to a windows/Leopard Hybrid without paying $2,000 for a mac. You can have all the same features as a windows and all the features of a mac all in one Hybrid. I said i was going to buy a mac this year but now i changed my mind and installed the Leopard xp brico pack. I have no problems with it what so ever so if you decide if you want a mac do this before you go out and spend $1,000's on a new computer.

Also it is actually an upgrade my computer runs even better than before for some reason.

I know this Blog is about 2012, ufo's, Et's, election, politics, nwo, Illuminati, enlightenment, spirituality, Ascension, ways to save the planet, and so many more. I thought i would expand it and give this info to all of you. If you choose to try it, It might not be good for Apple, but hey they already make billions in profits anyhow on they're pc's by charging so much for they're Macs. We should have a right to choose what we want to do to our computers whether your a mac or microsoft.

My Pc is still Windows Xp but if you would see it, it looks just like a mac and more of an upgrade. The only thing i don't have is ical, imovie, iphoto, idvd, and ivideo.

I do have Safari, imail, itunes, and picasa which is another reason why i like windows a tad bit more than a mac

You can go here to download it and see the pics and article

Computers and internet is 2 of my favorite hobbies, So i thought i would share this with all of you to help you save a little money, if you don't have enough memory or computer power to do this than don't try it. It doesn't take that much though.

I love it since you get the best out of windows and Leopard.


World ChangingTechnology: Check these inventions

1. Bucky Paper: Stronger than steel, stronger than any metal, easy to make, very flismy and so very Light (here's the Article)
2. Eco Blue: Pulling Drinking water out of thin air and filters it for drinking. This already exist and you can buy one, but it is very expensive, that is the problem
3. Super Ultra Battery: That will last for a very long time

"The UltraBattery is a hybrid energy storage device that integrates a supercapacitor with a lead acid battery in one unit cell.

This unique design harnesses the best of both technologies to produce a battery that can provide high power discharge and charge with a long, low-cost life.

Developed by CSIRO Energy Technology as part of the Energy Transformed Flagship research program, the UltraBattery has applications for use in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) with further research aimed at resolving issues of intermittency in capturing energy produced from renewable sources."

There are alot more, i found this Blog which you can click here, It talks about what inventions that are world Changing and on the horizon, so it's another good news site.

All i can say once the bars are lifted from keeping inventions and new technology supressed It's like opening the flood gates. We are in for a huge year of big surprises, and a few disasters which will also push for inovations. I believe the majority of the people in most areas have no clue how advanced we really are even though a few people still drink and party. I'm sure soon our reality will really start to shift into something incredible that we've never seen before.

On another thing we are still going through Ascension and many are going through this, so hopefully by 2012 it will be a smooth transition for us to the next level of human evolution and expansion of Consciousness.

I'm so excited for our future right now. Maybe not myne since i still have to figure out what i really want to do, it's where i'm stuck at.

We are not going to have no civil war, no ww3, no more wars and that's all going to end, Peace is going to be a big word in 2009. Starting in a few months you will know what i'm talking about.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Quantum Touch: Interview with Richard Gordan(present and future of healthcare)

Part 2

Interview part 1

Dealing with Vibration and Energy.
Cures for everything using this technique, if done properly but anyone can do this.



Every thought has a frequency !!!

This video is from the Secret


Energy is everything,



bigsteelguy Youtube channel

Earth ships- Bio texture


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