Timewave 2012

Saturday, May 2, 2009

What the Venus Project is Not

A new show on TRUTH OR FICTION?, I strongly recommend this show Truth or Fiction infact this is The Venus Project part 4 on the Truth or fiction? On Blogtalk Radio.

Also the Show is in the Right hand corner of my Blog and you can listen to it there.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Violet Flame, Guided Healing meditation

A very incredible guided


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Resource Based Economy vs. Communism

For more info: The Venus Project, Resource Based Economy Foundation, Zeitgeist Movement


Story Of Stuff a must watch film

I strongly suggest many of you go to this webstie and watch this 20 min video of story of Stuff. It is really mind blowing and over 5 million views already, So if you are very materialistic and you love stuff, you all much watch this film.

We consume and consume so much stuff, and i can say i'm part of that, we don't realize how the system that we are in that is set up so we can continue to hurt the planet.

I can't embed the video but you can download it at the website Story of Stuff.com


Monday, April 27, 2009

About the Swine Flu pandemic

I have to let everyone know, from what i feel this isn't going to turn out real bad, it's like the avian flu and Sars which ended quickly. It's a Complete Scare Tactic by the last of the Nwo, this is they're false flag attack and i have to say it's pretty weak. I am a little upset that a few people have suffered with this flu virus but it's not going to spread around the planet. The media is really Hyping this flu virus like it is a huge pandemic and we all must wear masks. It was on the front page of my communities newspaper.

The Nwo are already finished and we've already finished them, but this is they're last attempt on us right now, which isn't going to work, too many people are awakening and seeing between the lines. Now we still have a long way to go to make the shift to a Resource Based Economy but with all the incredible Healing technology being hidden from us and some of it already exist in the markets ex. (Photo therapy/Light therapy)

So My message is don't fall in to the fear of getting some virus or getting sick, It is not going to happen. Wonderful things are still coming to manifestation in front of us and most of the incredible things happening in our world isn't making any news what so ever. Technologies are being developed right now that will possibly transform our planet within a year and add in the Hidden Technologies being released to the public which will happen sooner or later will dramatically speed up the transformation.

Maybe some people will catch the Swine Flu but it won't effect the masses and there won't be too many deaths.

So just to keep you all posted and updated about what's going on, i don't do this very often but i'll do this when i get a chance to.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Message to share to all of man/womankind

Subject Line Write in (Do we really need money to survive?) The Answer is No

"About Resource Based Economy Foundation http://www.rbefoundation.com/about.php
What is a Resource Based Economy? http://www.rbefoundation.com/documents/30_GCO_GlobalCooperation/10_EducationMaterial/EDU_ResourceBasedEconomy_EN.pdf
What is The Venus Project? http://www.thevenusproject.com

What does money effects? http://www.rbefoundation.com/documents/30_GCO_GlobalCooperation/10_EducationMaterial/EDU_MoneyEffects_EN.pdf

Watch the Transition Plan Video to understand much more: http://www.rbefoundation.com/
Scroll down to see recommended Information and Click the Transition Plan Video

Dear sir/ma'am

As you all know how are world is today and how so many people are suffering day in and day out, and some don't even realise they are suffering at all. The system we are in is so completely Destructive that we could literly destroy our planet with a monetary system. Infact in all wars that have been fault were totally about greed and money or gaining land. We must learn to share all natural resources that are on our planet right now. We cannot go on our lives and continue to consume so much waste to destroy our planet. Everyone of us is contributing to the destruction of our planet whether we like it or not.

Everything is interconnected on every level, we were meant to be care takers of Earth not consuming so much stuff to destroy it. Just by putting gasoline in your car or truck is contributing to destruction of our planet. Technologies like free energy devices, advanced transportation systems and alternative fuels already exists today and we have everything that we need to make a change and transition to a new way of living.

Government is not going to help what so ever, they are only in postiion to keep the status quo and to make sure the money system is on going and not collapsing. As you all see they are doing everything they can to keep banks from failing and doing everything they can to keep the war in Iraq going, the Afghanistan war, and keeping oil as a form of Energy. They don't care about you at all if they did they would eliminate the real cause of all problems in the world and that is money.

There is a full of Abundance of natural Resources for everyone on the planet. There is plenty of food, water, electricity, and homes for everyone. No one should be starving, or homeless at all. Of course many of you have to work hours after hours just to stay in your home, or just to keep insurance on your car or truck, or to put food on the table day in and day out. Some of you own businesses or have small businesses that are using to keep afloat in this economy. Only a small percentage of you are doing what you love the most and enjoying life.

So the root cause of our problems our right in front of us, we just don't see it. Of course many of you will read this and not care what so ever, until you lose your job, or you can't afford food at the Grocery store because of inflation, or fuel for your vehicle because of gas prices. Whether you want to believe this or not the system will fail and collapse sooner or later, and a huge possibility within a few years.

Right now we can do something about this and eliminate most of the pain and suffering while going through this Transition, it's going to happen because many individuals are working toward this Resource Based Economy and many organizations are working with each other to bring this into reality. I understand your skeptisim and i understand your doubts, but You have to look at the nessecities of life and your children and realize what kind of world do you want your children to live in?

Life isn't about working 9-5 getting a paycheck to pay a few bills then hit the bar for a few drinks. That kind of life gets old after a while and it hurts you and the world around you. Life is about enjoying the finer things in life, spending more time with your children, taking vactions, creating art, creating music, creating films, and most importantly of all is taking care of our earth and each other in any way possible.

Technology is all around us everything we use from glasses to stoves to an electric drill, to your car, to this computer is Technology and tools that we use to extend human ability. We must get over the fact that we need money to survive. Energy is the cornerstone and of our world and we need it to power our homes, our office buildings, our vehicles, even our cell phones that we cary. If we only had Free energy alone we would make great strides in many different areas and change can really occur so fast we wouldn't even be able to keep up.

So You can make the choice to contribute and help this transition by doing many different things possible, as well as sharing this message along with many of your friends and family. This is so very important not just for all of us but for our planet and the animals, so take this seriously and Make the right choice for the better of all man/womankind.

So take this into consideration maybe not for your self but for your childrens future, they deserve so much better than what we have now. It is up to all of you and all of us to really see a project so big that we can really see a better world ahead of us. In times of War we've come together to support a war by making weapons, military vehicles, patching up uniforms, packaging food for the troops, sending care packages, creating more ammo. Isn't time that we come together for a much bigger and better cause instead of destruction and chaos. Isn't it time we work together for the world to become so much greater that we can't even comprehend right now. Isn't time that we need each other more than ever? And most importantly of all isn't it time that we treat our planet with love and care?

Thankyou for Reading this Mesage

Please pass this with everyone you know"
Don't copy Below
So pLease copy this message and share it with everyone you know just above this line.
I created this message to send out using e-mail or any other way of messaging. We really need to get the word out about a Resource Based Economy this is where we are heading right now but the less people know about this the longer the pain and suffering in a monetary system will last.


Transition Plan Video (From Monetary System to Resource Based System)

THis is from the Resource Based Economy Foundation Website, It is a well worth the watch and many people need to watch this, if you seen the Zeitgeist movies this is definitely one you need to watch.

I apologize i didn't post this video along with the last post about the Resource Based economy Foundation but I'm posting it now.



bigsteelguy Youtube channel

Earth ships- Bio texture


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