Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Update: Ufo Disclosure and Restructuring of the Finanacial system
A New Article On David's Blog saying that Disclosure is on the Horizon for the Ufo's and Et subject, as well as an end to the Fed or a total control of the fed. So this is highly extremely good news.
Maybe this might mean the end of the Dollar and a new gold backed currency or some sort of Restructuring of this system we are in. The old financial institutions are going to begin collapsing at an unbelievable rapid rate, so i just strongly suggest to relax, do the best to inform your neighber and help them out if you can. Try to share with one another if you can.
Do not Fear any of this since it's going to lead a positive outcome for everyone on the planet, and all this stuff that was supposed to happen in 2012 is going to happen in a matter of a couple of months. While the golden age will start much much sooner for all of us, of course you still create your reality and the choices you make will effect future outcomes, but i'm sure we all are going to get through this major transformation.
May peace be with you and i hope that you all just stay calm in these coming times.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Free Global Energy Film
A 39 part created film on free energy and how addicted we are to oil and how many lives have been effected by the energy crisis
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
All News Web - Massive UFO development: China might disclose soon
All News Web - Massive UFO development: China might disclose soon
Massive UFO development: China might disclose soon
Michael Cohen
Something bigger-than-big has happened in China as far as the UFO and extraterrestrial mystery is concerned. So big, you might want to make sure you are sitting down and not holding a hot drink as you read this.
Readers of this website might mow be familiar with the Solar Eclipse UFO Sighting that occurred in Deqing and was broken outside of China by us on the 25 July, Guandong Province, where a clear daytime UFO was seen by dozens of students and filmed and photographed by at least nine, producing incredible images such as the one above. The UFO was also seen to morph, changing colour and shape.
Other than this publication no other news publication outside of Asia has carried the story although it has sent shock-waves through China's massive UFO community and even amongst conventional scientists.
Now it has been reported in China that the famous Purple Mountain Observatory has confirmed that they observed a UFO on the day of the eclipse and have forty minutes worth of footage which they will spend the next year studying.
Purple Mountain Observatory Director and Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellow, JI Hai-sheng said at present it is impossible to speculate what the unidentified object is. writes that:
'Purple Mountain Observatory and Chinese Academy of Sciences said yesterday that during the July 22 total solar eclipse observation, China had discovered near the sun, by observing staff, an unidentified object, it's physical nature remains to be further studied.'
'Currently manpower is being organized to deal with this data, complete the data analysis and reveal the scientific results and this will take at least one year's time to finalise.'
'Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellow, JI Hai-sheng said at present it is impossible to speculate what the unidentified object is however research has started.'
UFO activity in China has been extra-ordinary over the last few months with mega-event after mega-event taking place. Have extraterrestrials decided that China will be their partner in first contact?
Earlier coverage from ANW: China Eclipse UFO: We're not alone, Video! China: Huge UFO event gets massive media coverage, photo An Axthadan UFO captured in all it's glory
Sources: Sina NTJ