Consciousness shift, you'll be blown away by this video
REvolution of Light
As we move toward the End of time and the end of 3d, we are entering a new Age of love and a new Dimension of Reality, Transformation is going to occur all around us and within us. We are Evolving into Golden Angels with New Bodies and New abilities. There is no better time to be alive then Now. Live in Peace and love and Stay away from Fear.
REvolution of Light
And was based on the Julian Calender. There have been sightings all over the globe and video of pictures of light ships showing up. What if they used the 14th of October on our calender to get us on a much higher vibration to get us prepared for real first Contact. The real October 14th 2008, is actually October 24th 2008 on the Julian Calender. Multidimensional beings knew what they were doing when they sent the message. Remember they said there will be an increase of their presence before they came.
Read more...Bless her Heart
Read more... Over Washington Dc
So did we get one big ship? no? but we got tons of little ones. So don't be too disappointed
All those lies about Obama, was all Mccain's doing. What else can Mccain do to win the election. How many lies has Mccain and Palin put out, quite a bit. If i were you i would put in Ron Paul vs Obama now that would be a big Debate.
Read more...Wow this really helped me, Just like Eckart Tolle's book a new earth yeah this video is very helpful if your just starting out or need to practice Observing self.
Read more...This was a test for everyone, there are still so many negative people that are just very hateful just becuase a light ship didn't show on the exact date. We all miss appointments, we all miss work sometimes, we all miss school for a day. I mean seriously alot of you are throwing alot of stuff at Blossom remember she is just a messenger that's all. I truly believe she was given that message but they didn't show because of how horrible and evil we can be toward others, we are not close at first Contact. It still will might happen in 2009 as i know it will. By then alot of us will be more loving towards others. So you all must look into yourselves and see why the light ship didn't show. Don't be blaming Blossom at all. She is a wonderful person and she loves alot of people. I can also blame myself as well, i got a little frustrated just for a little while, so i figured i'll just move on with life. You all have alot of growing up to do. I know i myself as well i've been working on my ego but the ego can be so deceiving. Once you let go of the Ego then you become pure love and your totally at peace, i heard it's the most incredible feeling in the world to know your self. I have quite a bit of material on this blog for everyone to look at to help you grow spiritually. Even with all the information that i learned, i'm still learning. So just don't give up, learn to love and be patient the time will come when we are ready for them.
Read more...Check out Brad's blog, If you read Blossom's message correctly they say before the end of the 15th, not the 14th. What does this mean? this means tomarrow I can't believe i missed that. I can tell you though, i've been feeling really really light like i can fly and i feel so calm for some reason. This is totally really really cool, then again i'm very sensitive to energy just not my own yet, but i'm getting there. I feel the skeptics and non believers got their day on the 14th, and we are going to have our celebration on the 15th, but if it doesn't happen i'm ok with that to. Because life moves on and soon they will show up some day if not tomarrow. My gut tells me they will show up it's just a matter of time. I say be patient and be in joy, love your neighbers have fun. Let the 14th and 15th be the days that we just don't care about work, about the economy, about the war in Iraq. Lets just enjoy each other's company.
LOve and light to all who read's
Thanks to Druanna and Tonya both lightworkers, Tonya said it best but listen to her message ok, Also for all of you negative people with huge ego's who put people down because this event didn't happen no the exact date, you are all totally missing the point. This year is 2008, you all need to look at your selves and see what your doing. Here's a little test: go stand in front of a mirror and say your negative comments at your self just like your doing to others, see how you feel. Life is supposed to be fun and exciting and loving, and joyous, it should be about lifting others up not putting them down, we have enough stress as it is on our lives, we don't need more ok. Listen i don't know you all but i do love you all. It's time to forgive people and see what counts more in life, no not money, other people even strangers you don't know. Once you all see what kind of world we can live in when we look after each other and care for one another. You'll be completely depressed for all the nasty things you've done, or said or thought to others.
Read more...Here's my take on this, i still feel strongly they will show themselves before 2009, as i did see that video with the large fleet on youtube on October 12th, and it looks pretty legit. You always have to look at people's reactions to ufo's if it's a hoax or not. I do listen to David Wilcock which i do believe he is right on one hand, but wrong as well. Like Brad said ufo's has picked up dramatically in the last few weeks. As well as alot of Rainbows and many different sky Phenomenon. There will be a day that this will happen As David Wilcock says. People are so tied to their religions that if or when this happens, people will be worshiping the Federation of Light instead of some very evolved guy in robes, Unless the federation of light knows what they are doing. NOw for the down fall of the Illuminati that is still happening, so once you see Gold start sky rocketing, and the Dollar starts falling you'll know it's almost the end of them. David Wilcock knows this will happen as well. Which Disclosure of Ufo's, Et's and Illuminati will occur sometime soon, possibly within a few months. So everyone who believes we are still alone in the universe and still is attached to your religion, This is a warning to you that Truth will be told and shock and awe will come to all on the world. As well how our country has been held under control using oil and not advancing alternative fuels.
I will put the link to David's updates, which you can click on the link above the main title of this article. Again the Date might be wrong, but the Event isn't once more people awakening spiritually and stop following their old religions the Fol will decloak, i know for a fact they exist but in a much higher frequency than we are.
Wow it's finally the day, I just want to let everyone know if this doesn't happen on the 14th, don't get discouraged i know they will show themselves they will probably be a little late, possibly on the 15th, 16th or 17th but they will show up. Be very patient ok and relax enjoy every moment, go out and enjoy the night sky or day time.
Signing off
The one with Rama in it, he is a very good teacher and he understands nature. The one with the little girl i thought that was really cute, and the one with close encounters of the third which is one of my top favorite Et movies as well as contact, and E.t.
I've seen a second rainbow, i've never seen two rainbow in the same day within hours apart. This one is much more clearer than the other one. I also seen this weird thing in the sky, it's a far off distance but it's a white thing, i don't know what it is, but it's not a cloud i hope you can clearly see it.
I also took pictures of the moon.
check out the rainbow in this picture i'll be uploading more pictures, i can see these are very unusual clouds around our area, we get alot of different clouds, but nothing like this.
I've been checking out some live webcams and I found some with unusual rainbows like the video i posted up earlier, but in new Zealand. I've been all over live webcams. but i'm sure they will show up over Blossom Goodchild over Australia first, so look for webcams over Australia.
Read more...He has proof my friends, listen to him. I already know it's going to happen i don't need proof but the proof is starting to get over whelming
As we have 3 days away to the event, it draws ever so greatly ON October 14th we will start to see what future we want for us, I said start seeing as a whole. All religious folks, all skeptics, all fear mongers, All politicians, all government officials, all soldiers and Of course Bush this is not an Alien Invasion but a wake up call for mankind. What kind of race do we want to be in the future a destructive, controlling, manipulation, greedy race? or How about growing up and being something more, if you truly want power, learn to love. It's the most powerful force in the universe and the more love you have the more powerful you'll become...... We are going to get a Push on the 14th- 17th You cannot deny ufo's or Et's ever existing. Disclosure already happened years ago, but now we will know for sure that are family has returned, and we will know that we were never separate, we are all family a galactic family. So listen to your hearts disobey your minds your egos, it's time to wake up. We don't want No more war, no more pain, no more control, no more Greed we all want a rich life full of love and happiness not fear no more. All soldiers who read this listen to your hearts dis obey your orders, i'm an ex soldier myself i would never listen to our leaders anymore ever. So what is your choice cause more pain and suffering for every human on this planet or do what's right for the human race and our future. Put down your guns, your beat sticks and enjoy this marvelous event in human history
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