Timewave 2012

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Please make a difference this Holiday Season of Giving: Mapping a more sustainable future - for everyone!

I Had this idea if we got millions of people donating $1.00 to multiple projects instead of donating like $10, 20, $100 which not many people have right now, especially when christmas is right around the corner. Maybe we can't stop what the government is doing with the bailouts but as a whole community meaning the whole country pulled together or even the whole world donated $1.00 for certain projects it will make the governments look really bad. If you don't like giving or helping the whole then this is not for you.

Now if you have more than a $1.00 that is wonderful but you don't have to do too much, in these economic times people aren't going to make it on there own. We are all in this together so even if you don't donate you will still be affected. We can totally live without money but for now we need to use it to fund projects to get these projects and programs up and running as fast as possible. I don't know about you but i'm sick of the way the things are now, how the government are taking care of the rich and global elite. We can show them what are hearts can do.

How hard is it to come up with a $1.00? You can find that in your couch, You know i found $2 in change in the Trash Dumbster one time, why did i look in the dumbster well when you find Keys to a brand new honda car in the dumbster, I'm telling you the dumbsters are like gold mines(of course i don't make a habit going through Dumbsters all the time. I found that change right on top of the Dumbster when i was taking the trash out), yOu'll be very surprised what you might find. Oh if you want to make $1.00 go to Bux.to and they will pay you to click onto they're ads. I myself will be donating alot more than a $1 for Christmas so ONe little $1 bill can make a gigantic difference in many communities.

Care2 Click to help many projects

Donate $1 for sustainable future

Donate for Solar panels on every home

Donate free rice playing

Donate $1.00 to the Global Giving fund pool

The Orion Project: Research and development of new technologies for the public

The venus project: Redesigning a entire culture and society, with future building of homes.

I'll be updating this with other new projects which you can donate to


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