Timewave 2012

Thursday, April 23, 2009

RBEF: Resource Based Economy Foundation

I found this foundation which is someone started this foundation from the Zeitgeist movement. I truly believe and feel that this is where we are heading. Money is the cause of many of our problems in our world and it continues on day after day , people are still losing they're jobs, losing they're homes, at the end of they're rope. We cannot allow a monetary system to continue on like it is right now.

We really need to shift into a Resource Based Economy now, the longer we wait and the longer it takes before we get there, the harder it's going to be. I know many of you are looking at the Spiritual aspect of this as well, because many of us are tied to our egos, and continue to want more and more. Even if you have enough, you are still going to want more. Now our planet is in a dire need of this RBE. If people had all they're needs taking care of, there would be so much growth, Incredible evolution in our consciousness and we would learn so much as to why we chose an RBE.

I strongly Suggest listen to Peter Joeseph Bi weekly radio cast on the right panel or Thunders (Truth or Fiction radio show) on Blogtalk radio. Those shows really answer alot of questions as well as watching the film Zeitgeist Addendum, and Zeitgeist 2.5 movement orientation. Before you make any allegations to this, do your research first, dig deep and learn how our society is running right now, and learn on the monetary system, learn about what really is the Federal Reserve.

I talk to other people about the state of our world and many people are sick of this system and see no way out of this money system. They truly believe that working hard and making someone else Rich is really all they can do. They don't understand or are knowledgeable about this monetary system and how it works and it's dysfunction is.

If you really want to learn more about this Go to Zeitgeist movement.com and Rbefoundation.com

Two words that many people don't do and they must do learn and understand (ASK QUESTIONS)

Another two words (DO RESEARCH)

Also sign my petition on the side panel, i know it's just an e-petition but it's a start.

I listened to Peter's Radio Cast from Wednesday this morning and he answered alot of questions that i even had myself and they all made sense. I myself understand this concept very much but i still have a few holes to fill to truly grasp it. I've learned alot and i'm continuing to learn more. So That is what this post message is, Study, learn, Research and Ask Questions. your not expected to know everything.

Also you can learn alot at The Venus Project website Which i strongly recommend. We need to spread as much knowledge about this as possible. I've been doing all i can to help spread the word and spread awareness i also help donated to the Venus project to help get this started if i didn't have bills and if i wasn't stuck in this kind of system and we were still in the system i would totally donate 90% of my money to this Resource Based Economy to get it going as fast as possible.

But i can't donate that much as of right now. I'm working on doing what i can to help though.


Stu May 5, 2009 at 3:45 AM  

Yeah! Bring it on! Great blog.

Please check out mine, which has the same goal: http://resourcebasedliving.blogspot.com/


bigsteelguy Youtube channel

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