Timewave 2012

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Super human abilities

I made this post since i really feel that by 2012 that we are going to be incredibly super humans. What happens when we are able to pick up objects with our mind and accidentally break something. I've always thought about this since i already know that we can do amazing things now that we don't even know of yet. In fact you can bend metal with your mind right now even if you don't believe you can, i know it sounds a little like sci fi but apparently it's real. Now you might be saying we don't have those kind of abilities well apparently there is alot that we don't really know about ourselves

Some of the abilities that we will have

1. Teleportation
2. time travel
3. Levitation
4. flying
5. psychokinesis
6. remote viewing
7. pryokinesis
8. Instant healing which would be the coolest one.
9. enhanced senses
10. creating our reality
11. Telepathy
12. enhanced strength

These are just a few that we will have, as far as i know, there might be alot more.

Telepathy and enhanced senses will be some of the first ones possibly, but i suppose everyone will be different and will be on they're own level.

I also feel that we won't be scared of earth changes or anything else but we are going to be a little scared of our selves, we might have unlimited power that we can't even comprehend so when the time comes when you begin to awaken your mind will really start to expand and you will feel very different like a complete stillness that can't be described also telepathy and other abilities.

Now some of you are already experiencing some of these abilities right now on some level, although i have experience a few of these on a very low level and not all the time. Once in a blue moon kinda thing but it has been picking up alot as of lately.


Anonymous,  April 17, 2009 at 6:23 PM  

The world has been building up to this point for 26,000 years. The signs have been there throughout. During this long cycle we grew further and further from these abilities and on this day we shall regain them and they shall grow stronger and stronger. This is the time of the changing of the guards.

Anonymous,  May 3, 2009 at 2:00 PM  



Anonymous,  May 8, 2009 at 8:20 PM  

You know what will happen if people like that start appearing. Normal people and the governments of the world will be afraid of them and seek to contain them, or use them as weapons of war.

Aaron V May 8, 2009 at 9:35 PM  

The Governments won't have any control of you if you can stop time and do all sorts of things. You watch to much Tv, i watch that show heroes to, but i know we are extremely powerful beings and even i have not awakened to my full abilities. The Time is coming for Evolution and 2012 is Evolution of consciousness. You will feel it sooner or later, and then you will start getting transformed from the inside out, But it's nothing to fear since it is going to be an incredible event and so much love is going to be everywhere that it won't be the dark governments you will be afraid of, it's going to be your own Power.

I Believe as soon as i learn to stop time and travel through it, i plan on exploring many time periods, the future and the past. Kinda like Hero in (Heroes).

I believe the masses are totally un prepaired for what is about to happen and it's going on right now. Just the fact it will get more intense for many of us. It's already has been too intense for me a couple of weeks ago.

Anonymous,  July 26, 2009 at 7:29 PM  

I am very skeptical when it comes to any of this. I have been researching as much as I can about the whole 2012 event and the only scientific event that will happen on Dec 21 2012 is a planetary alignment. This specific event may cause global catastrophes, maybe awaken certain abilities for some but over a billion people will not suddenly wake up one day and be superhuman one day. I have read plenty of posts exactly like yours. This is a false sense of hope for the masses to maybe have some sort of meaning to there lives. Lets just say for a second that your entirely right. If everyone or even half of mankind woke up one day with powers then the world would be tossed into a mass chaos. The Gov will either contain or alot of people will die because of containment. What do you think the gov is going to do when these people start having powers. Hell the movies explain our governments reaction perfectly. They will not sit back and just let people run free. Also not every single person has a good heart. Your typical person would rape, murder and rob if they thought they could get away with it. Until proof is shown to me though I cannot say I honestly believe any of these powers you people are talking about will even happen. I do believe there are certain people out there who possess certain unique abilities but I said unique for a reason. Only a slight percentage has the brain power to unlock certain gifts. I don't think a specific date is going to just unlock everyone's powers. I am doing exactly what your doing right now though and that is giving my thoughts on this subject. Too sum things up I will just say I feel this is all just a false reality for most people. I will never say nothing will happen though because I honestly don't know and I like to keep an open mind to everything. Having abilities would be great but I won't get my hopes up and neither should anyone else. Although this post I just listed does not have much information hopefully it was a good read for someone.

Unknown July 31, 2009 at 4:12 PM  

No offense, but it seems as though you have watched a little too much "Heroes". Even though I would like to believe all this and our world might be a lot more interesting should this even be possible. The thing is, as I am a big supporter of theories like this, they'd have to be based on the laws of physics. Timewave 2012, I am a big Hiro Nakamura(Heroes) fan, but there just isn't enough energy in the human body to stop the galaxy from doing what it does. For flying, of which I'm very sorry to inform you, there's the fact that we have gravity, we don't have any wings, and no rockets up our *ss.

I don't want to be a sceptic, I would love to believe all of it, but no, I'm sorry, laws of physics oppose, and I'm pretty sure someone will break the "we use only 10% of our brain" reason, but why would only humans have "powers", not any other animal, yes, birds can fly, birds have wings, gecko's heal and grow back their bodyparts, but in case you didn't notice, we're not gecko's.

There's some things I'm willing to believe in, should the case be presented with sufficient proof, firmly built arguments and not in contradiction with the basic laws of physics.

Aaron V July 31, 2009 at 4:31 PM  

I will have to begin saying, many of us have no idea what we are capable of. Second of all Our Dna is rapidly changing and unlocking. We still don't know what all that junk dna really is. Scientists are still trying to figure this out. The truth is we have all those abilities right now, but is a choice of our own to decide not to use them or just keep them locked in a closet, while we still hold on to our old belief habits, and conditioning.

Reality is not what it seems, and when 2012 comes around your reality will get so incredibly different. 3d is ending and 5d is beginning, of course we are going through 4d in 2010 and 2011 which of this as what i'm saying is already taking place. Some people around the world have these special abilities, but they don't want to announce they're powers on national media.

It is not going to be a select few getting these abilities like in the tv show. It is the whole of humanity. Is the government going to be able to stop this? No because they cannot stop evolution no matter how hard they Try. Why do you all think they are pushing to vaccinate all the population and poison the human race? They are trying to stop our evolution.

IN the next few years you are going to get so powerful that you will be more scared of your self than what the government will do to you. I strongly suggest not be afraid of your own power, but just allow it and learn to be in love instead of fear.

For (Info) The Laws of PHysics are changing and won't be the same after 2012. Like i said everything is transforming, changing and evolving on a massive universal scale. This isn't just about Earth this is about our own Galaxy going through this evolutionary phase.

This is also a Cycle for humans, and from what i've heard this is 5th time we are evolving or something like that. These are phases of evolution that take place over thousands of years. Except this one is very very rapid, and so fast. That's what makes this one much more different.

Our Technology is also going to have an effect on our lives and our minds. On top of that, i would like to add we will be reversing in Age apparently starting in 2010. I don't know it all, ok but i took that class on the Galactic Alignment, 2012, Ufo's, Star Nations, and the Shadow Governmet. I know quite a bit.

You all will start noticing something changing within you soon. I've already noticed it over a year ago. So Wait to you start seeing your life flying by faster and faster and it's going to get so weird trust me. It's getting very very overwhelming for me now. I still have some fears of my own and i'm sure i will over come all my fears and face them.

This is what many other will have to experience.
Believe what you want to believe that is your right, but the truth is your dna is changing and evolving as well as you.

Anonymous,  August 9, 2009 at 4:41 PM  

heres my take on this, i believe that evolved humans live among us, me being one of them i speak on behalf of myself we do exist, i even call my self a freak for what i can do, ive jumped off a 3 story building and landed it perfectly without any reprocussions, my feet have for balls on them instead of a normal persons two, i can jumpo from almost any height, i can lift the back end of my fathers s-10 tahoe clean off the ground, ive been hit by a car, theown up 10 feet in the air and just brushed it off, my bones are twoce the mass of a normal persons, i can take quite a beating befor eim hurt, at least according to my doctor, im freaked out alot sometimes, so for those of you who read this dont feel like your alone, i might not be a mental person where i can bend things, but im a physically evolved person, remember you guys arnt alone, im mike and if you guys think youre freaks, think of what we can do to thise who call us freaks haha, that always makes me feel better, ill just throw a car at them haha, it wouldnt be my first time =)

Anonymous,  August 22, 2009 at 8:33 PM  

I'm not sure about this but on some days I can control the intensity of the wind

Anonymous,  September 7, 2009 at 5:33 PM  

Yea while some of the abilities you list i believe we will never obtain I have the ability of mediumship and i know several others with special abilities.

TheMartianPlayboy September 12, 2009 at 10:15 AM  

I can't believe I'm posting this first and foremost, and truthfully I get all of the concepts and Ideas because I'm a fan of comics, and I'm a fan of heroes, and I'm also an aspiring FICTION author. I say that to say todayI googled "real superhuman abilities" for researching purposes for a fictional story I'm working on, although in reality I am extremely convinced I have dream precognition. I'm positive to some this sounds absolutely nuts, but I dreamed the birth of my twin children 2 years before their birth, my mother's death, and several other things that I won't get into, and other than my wife I've kept these things to myself, so sufficed to say today has been eye-opening in reference to how many others share my same ability, I've been on different sites where people have described their dreams and the experiences are exactly like mine, so if there really is anyone else out there like that, or if any of you really are, I'd sure like to know the meaning behind these abilities(mine i doubt i'll ever gain true control ofpersonally),because all of this other stuff about 2012 is based on theory and myth, nobody really knows, but if anyof u are truly in the know and can help i'd appreciateit, i'll post here fromnow on under Anonymous-T5 for contact purposes, good luck to all

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 6:28 PM  

Hmmm how to put this in simple terms:-

Human Being look into the definition of "being" in a dictionary.

We are not in control of our evolution, we evolve non the less not by choice but, from what ever it is that is nature. We are evolving into the new age, and from many years if research I can see it and feel it already taking place, due to certain projects investigated.

My best conclusion so far, we are the universe shattered into fragments, each having an experience, thus the universe seeks to experience itself we are the medium for this, so we evolve to have new experiences, so logically we are all one all life, so solution is to look at things from a different angle, accept people perspective not to fight it, just accept it, its just an experience, and lets face it did not superior races fall prior to our arrival.

Everything is what it is, you too will find answers to anything if you look inside not out there so to speak.

Also to conclude when we step into our new evolved state, this ends CONTROL, hence the need for a implanted RFID chip=CONTROL.

Make of my information what you will, I can tell you though, that this transformation will happen, and I personally cant wait to get of this rock and go visit other species out in this universe.

1 dimension 2 dimension were in 3 dimension, so unless you cant count= Nature and cycles :)

Smile people good times are here, enjoy your life, your already a Being, your doing your bit without realising it, thats what is so funny.

PS 2012 spoken as twenty twelve and not two thousand and twelve strange hmm well here is a clue=Clock and time, thats the only clue am giving :-)

So much to tell and so many who wont listen, seems TV is more important, oh well some are staying and some are going! I know which catagory I am in.

Anonymous,  March 15, 2011 at 1:42 AM  

I think it might be a conscious shift or the mind and body evolving. Hopefully 2012 is a date that will somehow affect mankind. It been prophesised and stuff so maybe something big will happen. I know for a fact that superhumans do exist and i know that there are people with abilities. I know this girl, weve never met, but she has human combustion (body lights into flames) and she can fly. I dont know if she has other abilities but those two are the only ones i saw her use. I just hope 2012 does unlock all our abilities (the dormant ones). I know that 2012 is not the end of the world for a fact because ive heard from someone in the 53rd hundreth century, so no need to panick, were not all going to die. Extraterrestial beings exist. I think they also play a role in evolution prevention along with certain government agencies. I really do hope that 2012 activates dormant abilities. Maybe love will. Only time will tell.

Anonymous,  May 8, 2011 at 10:25 PM  

i want to know who created this website and how can i contact the people who started this website. i have a gift, a very special gift but one person witnessed it, but that person is no longer here, i thought i never find somewhere or some place or a website that i could really relate to, if this website is true, cant say my name i have to go by anonymous. i hope theres someone out there i could trust and show my gift and help me control it. btw i dont have enough time

Anonymous,  July 13, 2011 at 3:36 PM  

Perhaps this would explain exactly how one attains an FBI file after a DUI!! blood samples at hospitals, DNA tests by CDC, who knows!! but how i get an FBI file for nothing serious is what i truly am searching for.

Anonymous,  July 16, 2011 at 3:29 PM  

i really hope all the people with abilities are over 30, otherwise this post seems to have a runaway wave of wishful thinking

Germans thought they had magic powers too, and they also thought jews were goblins from the 5th dimetion here to rape our women...

Theres a big difference between, reality and what you really wish reality was like, and sadly just wanting it bad enough, doesn't make it true... but don't tell that to the masses who expect a prize for their good behavior when they die...

i mean i guess powers aren't a strech, esp if your religious, if you believe some magic force grants all your wishes and is at your beckon call, why wouldnt hundreds of kids get confused and not understand that just cuz someone wrote something, doesnt mean that its not exaggerated 10x..

when we want to see something, we usually find a way to do it... hence even serial killers think their actualy victims(aka the whole daddy touched me so i wear womens faces as hats excuse) but the superhuman ability to be delusional, isnt unique to anyone, we all posses that power

im not going to say your all lieing about your powers, but i would believe it when i see it, since i've met enough people in my life to know that everyone embelishes anything to make it seem more amazing no matter how mundane it really is in reality

Anonymous,  April 12, 2012 at 6:07 PM  

We rre learning as human race to use more than 5% or 10% of our brain. We have natural abilities to use instincts& intellect minds to do such as into the future, sense danger, break& levitate objects, heal, telepathic. I use these abilities. Consentration very important, no self doubting yourself. I have levitates truck first time as teen cause truck jack gave out. Other time during a car wreck i lifted a tanker 4feet off ground and stopped it. Other time i stopped car that breaks went out on. Lifted it and stopped it and set down. I was shocked. Can only use ability when lives in danger. I do it instinctively. Other wise cant just use it willingly. Im confused why have this ability. I also combust glass with my mind when upset. That freak my kids out. They think im weird

Akash437 December 13, 2012 at 11:26 AM  

see,I dont have any superhuman ability,but I have this disorder called Low latent inhibition. I dont know if its evolution or not but with this disorder I can do amazing things like, I can tell what someone is thinking or what he is feeling,its not like I read there mind,I see how they react and then compare them with the last person who reacted the same way,and then I can tell what he is going to do next,so I can tell what a person will do in a specific condition.and I am a good lucid dreamer,I learn things fast, can solve puzzles fast,I am always a class topper.but I had brain swelling because of all this extra information,and I get these head-aches sometimes. seems like LLI is evolution but its not perfect I am still evolving,and I can fly,I can stop time,I can burn things with my mind,I can perform telekinesis, :P but in my lucid dream.I would really like to fly in reality,but then what is reality.how can we say that our dreams are not alternate reality.I can do astral projection( I don't know if astral projection is real or not),I can seen my body on my bed,may be its just a dream.lets see what happens on 21 dec 2012.I would really like to talk with people with real abilities,you can contact me at akashgaming@gmail.com


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