Timewave 2012

Monday, October 27, 2008

Crystal Voices using Harmonic sounds of Crystal Bowls

Wow You got to meditate to the singing Crystal Bowls, These are just as good as the Solfeggio frequencies. If not better, these sounds help awaken your primary Chakras and the whole album is incredible and very relaxing. These sounds from Crystal Bowls go back a a long time ago. I strongly recommend buying this Album It does cost $8.88 for the album but it is well worth it, This has a value of way more than $8.88
Look at that 3 8's i just now got it. I was wondering why i was seeing so many eights a couple of weeks ago. I've been seeing Triple 8's or Double 8's quite a bit lately so i'm guessing there is a reason why i have been seeing them to let others know about this Album. You can listen to the previews if you like. If you have Limewire which the link is on my previous post you can possibly download the complete album for free. Click here to listen to the previews

This harmony of singing bowls transmits the peace of a sacred temple as it creates a healing sanctuary for deep relaxation and mediation. The sound waves produced by these pure quartz crystal bowls provide an inner body "sound massage"....releasing tension and stress held in the body, calming the mind and centering one's focus. These sacred sounds can have a profound effect on the body, mind and spirit. Their "alpha wave" tones are a powerful vehicle for shifting our awareness, accessing our creative imagination and restoring inner harmony.

Your all probably wondering why i'm now sharing audio clips, awakening Kundalini and Solfeggio frequencies well because they can be a huge key in the Ascension process for everyone, Which is what will happen sometime between 2009 and 2012 for everyone. Not everyone will Ascend unless you are willing to make the changes and choices your selves. Ascension is all about choice my friends. Love and these Frequencies are the key to your future.



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