Timewave 2012

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

End of the Ufo Cover up and 2012 (Part 2)by Steve Beckow

Part 2

We are indeed in the "end times." But what is ending is the enslavement,
debasing, and impoverishment of Earth's population, not the Earth itself. Indeed
Galactic-Federation sources predict a "Golden Age" for Earth once the cabal's
presence has been banished from the globe.

They predict a new economy, based on gold and bringing abundance to all of
Earth's population. They point to a rise in Earth's consciousness that will
attend the mass "Decloaking" of spaceships, followed by "First Contact" (that
is, first mass contact) with the galactics.

They tell us that the Earth itself will be "terraformed" to remove nuclear and
other types of pollution. They say that terrestrials will be removed from the
intergalactic quarantine in which they have been maintained.

At present terrestrials are not permitted to travel further than Mars. The
United States possesses space craft that can travel to Mars and back. These
vehicles are operated by a secret space force, with no relation to NASA, NASA
being primarily a show put on for public consumption. That is just one secret
the public has never been told about, which the galactics will reveal.

They promise that we will be given new technology to provide for most of our
needs, including free-energy technology, relieving us of dependence on fossil

The rise in energy levels resulting from the work they are doing can palpably be
felt at the present time – or at least I feel it. The changes in galactic
conditions are reportedly puzzling scientists.

Going on behind the scenes at the present time, apparently, is a round-up of
cabal figures, slated for trial at the International Criminal Court at The Hague
for war crimes and crimes against humanity. These include the staging of 9/11,
the Oklahoma City, London and Madrid bombings, torture, weather warfare,
pandemics (yes, including swine flu) and a long list of other crimes.

At some point in the future, we will be going about our business when suddenly
the TV, computer, and other similar media will be commandeered by the Galactic
Federation and our own Spiritual Hierarchy.

We will be shown, for 36 hours, what our situation has been on Planet Earth,
what we can expect in the immediate future, and what we can look forward to much
farther down the road.

The outlook is unequivocally glorious, as difficult as that seems to imagine at
a time when the old structures are crashing down. But those old structures must
fall to make way for the new.

The grip of the last cabal is being loosened in large measure by the implosion
of the corporate/market structure that the cabal has built up over the years.

In our future, we will have no need to worry about health care, education,
shelter, or any of the other matters that concern us at present. I know this
sounds hard to believe and there is no need to believe me. We are weeks or
months shy of all these events beginning to manifest themselves.

Stephen Bassett has now put the Obama administration on notice that if they do
not end the decades-long cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence by the end of
May, he will force the issue. All that I have described in this article is what
is at play here.

I actually think the Obama administration is well prepared to disclose the
extraterrestrial presence and welcomes Mr. Bassett's help. I actually think
Barack Obama, whom I admire greatly, is familiar with most of what I have said
here today.

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