Timewave 2012

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Incredible INterview with Jacque Fresco and his wife

Must listen to this, It's an amazing interview

Oh soon you will have the complete film (Future by Design) On my blog Which is in fragments and will be showing soon. It goes very deep into the Venus project and the history and vision. Ofcourse Zeitgeist is already on here at the Bottom. Most of you already know this.

This will be the special New years gift to you all. Even though i've had it up before but taken down by Google.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

What you can expect for 2009: Revolution in Consciousness


Don't be Afraid IT's just Evolution of Consciousness

You can expect massive change for the positive, an economic collapse bigger than 2008, you can expect more Earth changes, and you can expect more floods, but you can also expect more unity, more coming together, more love, more free energy, more Light, more activists, more freedom, more movements, more in the zone, more creative, more enhanced, Transformation in all things in culture, Disclosure of ufo's and Et's, Different ways of thinking, You can also expect that you will never be alone in 2009.

You can also expect The Rise of the NEW ATLANTIS IN 2010
BE Ready!!!!


Saturday, December 27, 2008

The future is in your hands

Youtube is a little bit better version


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone

Evolution Revolution with Bob Friedman & Eckhart Tolle
An incredible show and they also bring up the Zeit
geist movies as well

Planet Earth from the Secret

Singing Animals

See wishes do come True

This is probably my last Post until after the New Years So for all my readers have a wonderful christmas and a Happy new Year 2009


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

An E-mail you can use (The future that Humanity deserves)

Use the heading in () from the title and put that into the subject line

We all need a mass awakening and i'm striving to get as many people awakened as possible but not without your help, share this e-mail and send it to as many people as possible. I did keep the E-mail straight and too the point. So thank for your help and support. Remember i love you all very much and give this e-mail to everyone you know and tell them there is hope. That would be a good Christmas present.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year

Copy and paste this e-mail

"If you want serious and major change that this society and Culture really needs you must read this E-mail and watch the videos. If you havn't heard of the Venus project I strongly suggest you go here
http://www.thevenusproject.com second you need to watch the videos in this e-mail then you need to sign the Venus project Petition
Why do you ask? Why is this so important? Well lets start out telling you look at the money in your wallet do you really believe that this little piece of paper caused 98% of our worlds problems, or what about the numbers on the computer screen. Your saying how is that so? Because of Greed and incentive, if the entire drive of humanity is to make him self rich and leave the rest of the people out on the streets with no food, shelter and water, I don't believe deep down in your heart that you really want to live like that. For some it's already too late and they're lives are suffering on the streets today. The Venus Project is one Giant world wide solution to all our problems, from Poverty, education, rape, wars, crime, foreclosures, fuel prices, to energy and the environment. We are heading into a new year and do you all want to continue this monetary system while the rich get richer and the poorer get poorer, I didn't think so. Millions of millions of people are fed up with the way things are and enough is enough, we must begin a new, and start a new system from a profit based system to a Resource based system where People become more important than money and more valuable.

Everyone could have everything they needed if we didn't have such greed, there are plenty of Resources and food and water all around the world. But money causes fear and scarcity. That needs to be changed, so what I'm saying is start taking charge and become responsible because you are, all of us are responsible for this old system. The more this old system starts collapse the more you are start asking questions, and wondering what the solution is. There is a solution and the government does not want you to know about for they're own benefit. It is your life your choice your family that can stand up with the rest of us and work towards a common goal (The Venus Project)
There is a movie Called (future by design) and (Zeitgeist Addendum) 2 very important movies that wouldn't be shown your movie Theatre's or on your Tv for that matter only exclusive to the Internet.

Venus project 1
Venus project 2
Venus project 3

Venus project 4
Venus project 5
Venus project 6

Thankyou for taking the time to listen.

Please forward this e-mail to as many friends as possible, get this information out to millions. The movement has already begun before I wrote this e-mail. "


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Videos not working on my page

I apologize a few movies do not work on my page

Future by design
The secret
2012 the odyssy

I believe that is it. You can still watch the full movie of the Secret right here

Google took down the other 2 videos since i looked everywhere for them. So i apologize for that.

There are alot of Trailers and other videos of The Venus Project and future by design, but not the full length film.
IF you havn't watched Future by Design you have to buy the Dvd i'm telling you that it will really show you how we can all live in peace in harmony with the planet and Technology together. But if you can do something by signing the Petition and passing videos, websites, and articles around to your friends and family As well as get this Petition out. If you don't believe it can be done than don't, But millions of others are believing more and more that this can be our future this can be the way. This is our answer to all our problems that our around the world today. The petition is on the right side, don't be afraid or shy to sign it.

So pass out Zeitgeist Addendum, and all the Venus Project videos There is a movement and it us we can make can change the world. Ofcourse it's going to take many others to work within them selves and find they're own truth. When you have millions of people believing in a goal a future that we all want like the Venus Project it will manifest really fast.
I'm really learning that believing is seeing not seeing is Believing.
Updated: Watch these 3 films from the Zeitgeist Addendum movie

Merry Christmas everyone, Keep spreading the word.
Much love to you all


Magenta Pixie: Christmas Abundance Christ Consciousness


Sunday, December 21, 2008

A little something i wrote for the coming year (A REFLECTION OF HOPE)


Out of the Darkness We walk a path into the light, in these troubled times all seems lost, but There is something happening behind the curtain that is changing our hearts and Minds, we are becoming one Love, We are becoming one light, we are becoming one heart Beat. It is not the end of the world only a new beginning and a new start for all. We are all in on this journey together. No matter what. You will always have somebody beside you to comfort you, to stand by you, and to Love you. You are never alone and you are never without grace. If we were out in space looking at the planet from a distance we would only see one big blue giant planet. Transformation is amongst us and there is hope for all, stay strong in your heart. STay focused your mind and be who you are, being LOve, being Vibration. Give a smile at a stranger, give someone a hug. Just remember Hope and our passion is what will keep us strong in these troubled times.

By Aaron


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Atlantean Crystal Head band

Ancient Atlantean Technology i found this online and it not easy to find, i started collecting the materials, all the materials so far cost me a little over $30 so i'll let you all know if this really works. I have to wait for a week or two before all the materials can come in so i can start building it, But if you want to get started go right ahead.

"The Crystal headband helps the wearer to develop their intuitive faculty and to become telepathic and 'psychic'.

At first the wearer often feels completely disoriented as the headband is capable of picking up thought impressions from everyone around them.

As one becomes more adept in using the crystal headband these impressions may be controlled for specific usage. Distance ceases to become a barrier and impressions and ideas may be 'picked up', not only from people on our planet Earth but also by extra-terrestrial beings.

The Crystal headband is relatively simple to construct with no moving parts. It consists of a copper band with a silver disc and a clear-tipped quartz crystal on top of the silver disc.

The hand tools needed for the creation of your headband are:-

* A pair of pliers

* A pair of tin snips

* A tube of instant-bonding glue

* A small file

* A small drill

The materials you need are:-

* A sheet of thin copper (to be cut and bent to form the band)

* A one ounce silver disc or coin (available from a coin shop)

* A quartz crystal about one and a half inches long and about one inch in diameter

* Two narrow strips of leather, about one foot long and one quarter inch wide

The construction of your Crystal headband begins by cutting the copper sheet to form a band. Leave enough extra copper on the front to bend around and form to the crystal.

Be careful of any sharp edges until you file them smooth as you shape and fit the band. You may want to pinch the base of the quartz crystal with the pliers to break off any rough or pointed edges. Be careful not to crack the crystal itself.

After the quartz crystal is ready, start bending the copper piece on the front of the band to fit and hold the crystal. If the crystal you have has one side that is flatter than the others, place the flat side against the copper. Bend the copper around the crystal for the tightest possible fit.

You may have to take the crystal out and bend the copper with your pliers several times to make a good fit. You will find that it will still be slightly loose.

The next step is to slide the silver disc in behind the crystal. It should fit tightly between the crystal and copper band. If it doesn't, refit the crystal. If the silver disc does fit well with the crystal, place a few drops of the instant-bonding glue around the crystal, the silver disc and the copper band. This should seal the band tightly together for a permanent final fit.

Next, at the rounded ends of the band (they should have been filed smooth earlier), drill a small hole at each end for the leather strips to fit through. Tie knots in one end of each leather strip; a bead or two can be added to make sure that the strips don't pull through the holes in the band. These two thongs are for tying the headband onto the head and adjusting it to fit.

You are now ready to try out your newly constructed Atlantean Crystal Headband.

Find a quiet or peaceful environment and when you are completely relaxed place the headband on your head and adjust the fit as you center the silver disc/crystal upon your forehead, with the single-terminated end of the crystal pointing upwards.

After a few moments a strange feeling of disorientation may creep up on you. Discarnate sounds and impressions may flood into your mind confusingly!!

Later on, after some considerable practice and perseverance, you will be able to identify specific thoughts and ideas coming to you through the ether.

A new - and wondrous - world now awaits you!!"


New Wallpaper for you all


I thought you would love this Wallpaper I created for you all, just click on the photo and then right click the image and save as.

Merry Christmas everyone

Posted by Picasa


Friday, December 19, 2008

The Venus Project Overview

If you still don't understand this Venus Project yet or you believe it's a bunch of B.s. You gotta watch these two films. Also how about watching the movie (future by design) right at the bottom of this page. Don't forget to sign my petition on the side panel. Also you all have to check out the Zeitgeist movies on the bottom of the page, infact the Venus Project is in the 2nd movie (Zeitgeist Addendum). Do you know with just the Technology we have now we can shift this whole society into what the Venus project has, Only if we the people decide enough is enough and take action.

Part 1

Part 2

By Design



Monday, December 15, 2008

The New System: Resource based Economy

Moving from a monetery system to a Resource based system.

A must watch video

Updated: Please copy this video and share it on your websites, blogs, forums, discussions and pass this video on. If you want, send this video to President Elect Obama. I've done that already myself but we need to get this video out to as many people as possible.

IF you want to learn more, watch that movie i have on here called (future by Design)
Also Check out the Venus Project, which is the future we all should want for us all.

"The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. There are many people today who are concerned with the serious problems that face our modern society: unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in the Earth's ecosystems. As you will see, The Venus Project is dedicated to confronting all of these problems by actively engaging in the research, development, and application of workable solutions. Through the use of innovative approaches to social awareness, educational incentives, and the consistent application of the best that science and technology can offer directly to the social system, The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium. "

Please sign my Petition for the Venus Project


Saturday, December 13, 2008

True meaning of Love

We all look at love and believe it is a feeling or an emotion, what i found is that love is infinite and has no ending to the power that it is. If we truly knew love in it's completeness we would not be here learning from the dark that we are love. The whole purpose of being here on this planet is learning the deep roots of love, which is actually you and me and all of nature. Your mind cannot comprehend what love is only the truth is you are love, you are light, you are energy. Your such a powerful being in a most incredible world that is vast and large. You feel small but you really aren't.

There are wonderful teachers all around us and we don't see them or feel them, but they are all here to help us grow. we are so caught up in are daily lives looking for answers outside of ourselves, where all we have to look are right inside us. We are truly remarkable beings we have so much potential and don't see how truly loving we really are no matter how bad or dark you believe you are. Nothing will change to what you are, you are light you are love you are god. That is the only truth you need to know

What i'm about to share with you is the true name of God, These words are very powerful and are the same words that was shared with moses and the burning bush, if you know about that story. These words are so powerful that they are sacred and that the Illuminati and nwo tried to keep secret for such a long time from the people.
I'm not sure on that part, but that's what i heard that it was kept secret.

Remember these words

There are Teachers all around that has been helping me and i'm so grateful for those teachers, i do want to say thank you to one who really touched me so Gracefully

If your reading this Thank you so Much Leela your words always touch my heart in some way. You are wonderful, intelligent, joyful, and loving Teacher for me.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Please vote: releasing free energy devices and anti gravity ships


How Can Technology Help Accelerate The Shift To Global Consciousness


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Chris Knowles - Dubai, Atlantis & Obama Sirius Election Symbolism

I thought this would be interesting for you all to watch and listen to.

"We begin this program to look at the Hotel Atlantis opening Ceremony at The Palm in Dubai and move on to discuss the Obama Sirius election symbolism with Chris Knowles from "The Secret Sun". We discuss: The Ancient God's, Annunaki, Space, NASA, Project Diana, US Military, New Jersey, New York, UFO sightings, Egypt, Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Bruce Springsteen, Phoenix, Obama, 08 Election, Dog Symbolism, Sirius Symbolism, Horus, Rebirth, Freemasonry, 9/11, World Trade Center, The World Financial Center, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Monolith, Kubrick, Disclosure, UFO Cover Up and much more. Do not miss this program!"

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

Part 5.

Part 6.


Vote for Disclosure of ufo's


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Magenta Pixie Updated: bypassing copycat mind waves


Try this out (wish for love) Sacred G


You must check this out, You must try this

First plug in your head phones and then stare at the geometric symbol on the screen, don't forget click the green play button.

This will open your heart full of love
And you will feel it, believe me


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Please make a difference this Holiday Season of Giving: Mapping a more sustainable future - for everyone!

I Had this idea if we got millions of people donating $1.00 to multiple projects instead of donating like $10, 20, $100 which not many people have right now, especially when christmas is right around the corner. Maybe we can't stop what the government is doing with the bailouts but as a whole community meaning the whole country pulled together or even the whole world donated $1.00 for certain projects it will make the governments look really bad. If you don't like giving or helping the whole then this is not for you.

Now if you have more than a $1.00 that is wonderful but you don't have to do too much, in these economic times people aren't going to make it on there own. We are all in this together so even if you don't donate you will still be affected. We can totally live without money but for now we need to use it to fund projects to get these projects and programs up and running as fast as possible. I don't know about you but i'm sick of the way the things are now, how the government are taking care of the rich and global elite. We can show them what are hearts can do.

How hard is it to come up with a $1.00? You can find that in your couch, You know i found $2 in change in the Trash Dumbster one time, why did i look in the dumbster well when you find Keys to a brand new honda car in the dumbster, I'm telling you the dumbsters are like gold mines(of course i don't make a habit going through Dumbsters all the time. I found that change right on top of the Dumbster when i was taking the trash out), yOu'll be very surprised what you might find. Oh if you want to make $1.00 go to Bux.to and they will pay you to click onto they're ads. I myself will be donating alot more than a $1 for Christmas so ONe little $1 bill can make a gigantic difference in many communities.

Care2 Click to help many projects

Donate $1 for sustainable future

Donate for Solar panels on every home

Donate free rice playing

Donate $1.00 to the Global Giving fund pool

The Orion Project: Research and development of new technologies for the public

The venus project: Redesigning a entire culture and society, with future building of homes.

I'll be updating this with other new projects which you can donate to


Save the planet and win


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Magenta Pixie: Accessing the understanding of 2012



Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Illuminated Chakras - A Visionary Voyage into Your Inner World 1-3


Friday, December 5, 2008

How to help save the planet part 2: solar panel and battery

Free Energy! DIY Solar Battery Charger - video powered by Metacafe


The ball is being Dropped on the 911 truth on National Television

Sometime in 2009 The truth will be heard on National Tv explained in complete detail

The show Mythbusters

Check out the video from Escape the illusion a preview of what is to come.

Updated: Here's the video of the Myth Busters Preview


Announcement: Now you can Download the Sedona 1111 solfeggio Freqencies

Scroll down and the file will be on the right side of the panel. Don't forget to download the Contact E-book a must REad.

Also the Crystal Singing Bowls are on the right side panel, along with many other goodies that you can listen to. You all must check out the Evolution Revolution radio show on the right side. It is such an INcredible radio Show. It's almost as good or if not better than Coast to Coast am.

There are some pretty deep guest on that show, that talk about some of the things about the after life, 2012, ascension and so much, it is like your one source where you can really learn alot. This show is also on the Right side panel.

I did this for all my readers on here, you are all very welcome think of it as a pre Christmas Gift, now maybe by Christmas i'll have something else you can download that is really helpful. So you'll all have to wait and see.

Much love and light to you all



Happiness is contagious, an article from Cnn

Not everyday you see an article like this on Cnn

(CNN) -- If you're feeling great today, you may end up inadvertently spreading the joy to someone you don't even know.
This network from 2000, colored for average mood, shows yellow as happy, blue as sad, and green as in-between.

This network from 2000, colored for average mood, shows yellow as happy, blue as sad, and green as in-between.

New research shows that in a social network, happiness spreads among people up to three degrees removed from one another. That means when you feel happy, a friend of a friend of a friend has a slightly higher likelihood of feeling happy too.

The lesson is that taking control of your own happiness can positively affect others, says James Fowler, co-author of the study and professor of political science at the University of California in San Diego.

"We get this chain reaction in happiness that I think increases the stakes in terms of us trying to shape our own moods to make sure we have a positive impact on people we know and love," he said.

Sadness also spreads in a network, but not as quickly, the researchers found. Each happy friend increases your own chance of being happy by 9 percent, whereas each unhappy friend decreases it by 7 percent. This reflects the total effect of all social contacts.

When framing the question differently, the study found that you are 15 percent more likely to be happy if a direct connection is happy, 10 percent if the friend of a friend is happy, and 6 percent if it's a friend of a friend of a friend.

The study, published in the British Medical Journal, used data from the Framingham Heart Study to recreate a network of 4,739. Fowler and co-author Dr. Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School charted friends, spouses and siblings in the network, and used their self-reported happiness ratings from 1983 to 2003.
Don't Miss

* How to increase your attention span

Daniel Gilbert, professor of psychology at Harvard University and author of "Stumbling on Happiness," called the study "a stunning paper by two of the most respected scientists in the field" in a statement he e-mailed to CNN.

"We've known for some time that social relationships are the best predictor of human happiness, and this paper shows that the effect is much more powerful than anyone realized," Gilbert said. "It is sometimes said that you can't be happier than your least happy child. It is truly amazing to discover that when you replace the word 'child' with 'best friend's neighbor's uncle,' the sentence is still true."

If you are the hub of a large network of people -- that is, if you have a lot of connected friends or a wide social circle -- you are more likely to become happy, the study found.

But the reverse is not true.

"You might only have one friend or two friends or something like that, and if you become happy, you're not going to try to get more friends. You're probably going to stick with what worked in the first place," Fowler said.

The researchers are also looking at the phenomenon on Facebook, which has more than 120 million active users. This study, which has not yet been published, looked at who smiles in their profile pictures who doesn't, and whether their connections also smile or not, Fowler said.

"We find smiling profiles cluster in much the same way as happiness is clustering in the Framingham Heart Study," he said.
Health Library

* MayoClinic.com: Health Library

It's not just happiness that spreads in a social network. Fowler and Christakis have also looked at trends in cigarette smoking and obesity using the parts of the heart study network.

They found that when someone quits, a friend's likelihood of quitting smoking was 36 percent. Moreover, clusters of people who may not know one another gave up smoking around the same time, the authors showed in a New England Journal of Medicine article in May.

Social ties also affect obesity. A person's likelihood of becoming obese increased by 57 percent if he or she had a friend who became obese in a given time period, Fowler and Christakis showed in a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine in July 2007.

And, like happiness, both smoking behavior and obesity seem to spread within three degrees of separation in a social network, Fowler said. Beyond three, things get fuzzier.

"Eventually you get out far enough in the social network that you're competing with all these other cascades of happiness and unhappiness that are sort of duking it out," he said. "Happiness on average wins, but once you get far enough away from someone in a social network, it's not possible to detect their effect anymore."


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Disclosure Project - Witness Testimonies - Lt Col Tom Bearden Free Energy And Antigravity Technology Suppression


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Solfeggio Frequencies All tuned Chakra system


Monday, December 1, 2008

Shift of the Ages: Proof of Ascension 2012

Shift of the Ages, Proof of Ascension

All on Divine Cosmos

It is a full Book with many Chapters, I also strongly urge you read the Law of ONe series which are all on David's Website Divine Cosmos

Don't forget about the 2012 Enigma movie down on the bottom of the Page, I do want to announce that David is working on 2012 Enigma2 Which will come out sometime soon. I don't know when though.


John Podesta talking about ufo disclosure


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Petition for ufo Disclosure we need 50,000 or more

Sign this petition to end the ufo cover up


Global Ascension and Rebirth 2012


Contact E-book Wooooowww

I can tell you there are so many really mind blowing, mind expansion books

I do have a post of this E-book and it is also on my right side panel, Scroll down and you'll see it.

I've Read the first 43 pages and it is Incredible

I'll read the rest of it sometime later today, when i get time. I can tell you i feel something big is coming something to be announced, could it be Disclosure on Ufo's and Et's It just might be. It could be something else but, some people believe it is something negative but i feel it is a cleansing coming, A major Cleansing coming, possibly within 10-15 weeks from this post.

If you all knew that positive changes are coming for everyone, i bet you all won't be in fear. Yes it's difficult in day to day life but we must remember we are responsible for our lives and where we are at, I'm still coping with this concept myself. I've been getting so much lighter, i wish other people would feel this lightness it's incredible. I'm sure you all will sometime, if you havn't felt it yet. I can describe it like more calmness around me.

I just had to post this up, and share this with you all. I'm very grateful for all my readers that come to my blog everyday.

I love you all and may peace and joy be with you



Saturday, November 29, 2008

Please Sign the Petition for Nesara we need 1,000,000 signatures

Nesara - Care2 Search
On the right side where it says Petitions the first one.

We need more Signatures for this petition

Even if you don't believe in it, atleast sign it

I ofcourse believe it does exist, but so many corrupted policitions, bankers, ceos that are doing everything possible to spread lies about Nesara or suppress it using the internet. Always use discernment while reading anything online.

Take this seriously, please Your signature won't cost you a dime.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Save the Planet and win rewards at the same time

Here's a repost, i had to delete it since i believe it probably was the cause of my Layout looking all screwy. The Layout is fixed and new.

Since i'm a member to care2 i ran into this site, where you can help save the planet and win rewards, earn money and shop. All you do is watch the videos and the sponsers donate money towards helping different causes.


Having a little problems with my layout: now is fixed

Be patient i'm going to get this fixed

Updated: TimeWave2012 is completely fixed and finished, I'm sorry but something went wrong with the theme, and i refix it. Now it's got a new theme and possibly a better one. Later i will work on maybe adding a photo background in the future.


Thursday, November 27, 2008


something a little special for you all, I hope you enjoy

Thanks to Dana from Saviors of Earth for sharing this video

What are you grateful or thankful for in your life?

Where the hell is matt


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How the Mainstream Media Actually Works: (Politics)


Free First Contact E-book Manual

Download Contact E-book

A book that describes first Contact 75 pages, so you can all learn what to expect when the time comes.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

IN search of Et's 5 day special on Cnn

Wow 5 days in a row on Et's on Cnn, It seems like more and more mainstream media are talking about the subject of Ufo's and Et's Do you all know what this all means? DISCLOSURE COMING SOON! soon the cat is going to be left out of the bag. Ofcourse they had ufo's on Abc, Cbs, and cnn before but not on for a whole week on Cnn, Don't you think this is a bit odd, or maybe they are preparing the public for disclosure very soon like First half of 2009.


A Lecture, Expand Your Mind: Getting a Grasp on Consciousness

The complete Playlist


Monday, November 24, 2008

Annuncing my newest movie added to the blog

You can now watch Timewave 2013: The odyssey 2 on my blog
My 9th movie, it will be way down the page.

Updated: Sorry everyone if the movie doesn't start then i might have to take it off, but i'll leave it up on here just in case it does start working.

Updated: I had to take it down, the video would not play, Sorry everyone.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Truth.......

The thing about truth, we keep looking for the truth everywhere, Well if we believe we have to keep looking and searching we will never find it. You must know truth, what is truth? it is you it is inside you it is inside everyone everything. To know the oneness to know your are god, to know that you are love that is truth, now you must feel and recognize that truth.

You are not your words you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions, and you are not your mind. You are Awareness.

Heres a tip start by feeling your breath, then your heart, then your brain, then the rest of your body then try to feel your own energy field, then try to feel the essence the aliveness, the joy, the love inside you, Then start feeling your environement, then feel expand to your town then to your city, then expand to your country then expand to the world, then expand to the galaxy then expand to the universe. By then you will find your truth.


Evolution Revolution Radio (Dulcinea)


I strongly Recommend this show, You can download the podcast via from Itunes which i usually listen to on my Ipod. You will have to go to podcasts on itunes then type Evolution Revolution radio

Ofcourse you can listen to the show on the website. I've only listened to 3 shows all together, since i do do listen

Coast to Coast am
myth and logic Radio
Evolution Revolution Radio
Bbs radio

I cannot believe i forgot to mention Evolution REvolution Radio, They talk about alot about astral travel,Consciousness, Life force energy, and so much more. The show comes on Thursday nights around 8pm Pt So if your interested in listening it is very very fascinating. Make sure you listen to the first episode she explains who she is and about the show. Talk shoe Radio: Evolution Revolution Radio

"Evolution revolution is supporting the human population with intuitive, centered and balanced information that fosters transformation both personally and globally, ultim... more

Never mind, If you look into the right panel you will see a widget of the radio show. I'll also add her blog as well.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Be a Wayshower- 11.11 Gold Ring with Rysa and Pixie


Sheldon Nidle update: First Contact very close

I've been Following up on Sheldon's updates, at first i was a little skeptical but alot of what he says really makes sense to me, and really resonates with me.
Any how i feel very Strongly that in the fall of 2009 we are going to have Global world first Contact and ufo cover up will completely end that's if our government already annouces it way before hand. I'm not predicting the future but I'm giving everyone a heads up, if not first Contact atleast the masses will know that we are not alone and tons of sightings will take place.

I'm really trying to feel positive for my life, and today i just feel so much love radiating from me, i feel like my love for my family, my friends and fellow saviors of earth has dramatically increase and it's going beyond words and feelings. Ofcourse i still have my negative thoughts and they do pop in and out but my love is growing stronger. I'm not sure if anyone's Consciousness is really expanding like mine but oh my goodness i'm starting to sense my environment 15 feet out, it used to be like 2 feet now it's out to 15 feet, and it keeps expanding rapidly. I'm also getting overwhelmingly light and sometimes dizzy and a little more aware.

I would like to let people know that when i was a very young child, i had an extreme amount of energy so much that i had to be put on a leash i was so active. I know it's funny, I still have some energy but not like i did when i was a child. I was so sensitive and saw colors and all sorts of things when i was 4 and 5. I've been told that i have an incredible power to share with the world which i don't know what that is yet, i wish i knew. I've had 2 psychics say this to me, but i have alot of blocks i must get rid of to access this power i have. I believe once i'm fully Conscious whatever abilities and powers i get, i'm really going to use them to help with this world and to help others. I've learned from all the super hero movies i watched there is a great saying with great power comes great responsibility.


Revolutions with Arrow


Global Good news: much better than cnn and fox news

Global good news

IF your sick of watching the news and seeing all the negativity and the propaganda and crap they put on Cnn, msnbc, fox news, abc news, I strongly suggest this website it's updated daily. I truly recommend this site to keep up on good news. I don't read all of the articles, since i read quite a bit as it is.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Truly incredible pictures, i just had to share with everyone

This one is an affirmation to read, whenever you get a chance over and over. So you'll remember, i also made an audio clip for my self to put on to my Ipod, so i can listen to it before i go to sleep.

Well this one represents the spiral of life, which is a galaxy ofcourse, but if you want to understand the universe everything is in a constant spin, like a spiral like. In fact if your having an out of body experience, you get that spinning motion before you come out of your body. Although i'm still working on getting out of my body. I still get that fear before I come out and the fear is what blocks me. Lets get back to the spiral, If you all havn't notice look at Tornados (spiral) Hurricanes (spiral) Water going down a sink or drain (spiral) I can name so many different connections. You see where this is going? Everything is in a constant spin, even our chakras has the Spiral IT's why i put up the picture. Spirals allow energy either to flow in or flow out. I thought you all might find this very interesting.


Magenta Pixie; ON support with Gold ring


My Ideas to fix this world and turn everything around

Bare with me, I don't care if someone takes these idea's and use them. I sent 10 ideas to Turn around America, in Less than 90 days if Obama will do this, which i've already sent these ideas to Obama already. So this is the letter i sent to Obama not all of it but a part of it.

These idea's might be out there, But they can be done.
Ofcourse the illuminati and major banks would have to collapse for this to happen.
Which they will sooner or later.

First we need to get our Troops home from Iraq In 30 days so we can stop the spending for this Iraq war. As well as stopping our troops from getting killed over there every day.
2nd You need to annouce the existence of Et's and ufo's and expose all the Ufo files that has been covered up for over 60+ years

It's been over 60+ years of Ufo cover up, that this country needs this to be release immediately about all the stuff that has been going on under secret. There are exotic technologies that can change our country and change the world in a matter of months if you push to get this reversed enginered ufo Technology. The production of this technology will start millions of JObs all around the country and start are economy on a much stronger path. Not only will the people benefit because the release of this information and the technology, You as President will really send a message to the world that you are about Change and that we can have a little bit of Trust in our Government again. As you know Our trust in our own government is at zero or 1/100.

3rd. You must start right away with converting to a new alternative fuel that can go into our vehicles now without using gas. I'm not talking about ethenal but a fuel that can be grown in green house like example i heard Algae can be used as a fuel as well as Alcohol, or Hemp. This will help us get off of foreign oil as well as get us away from oil companies who are just robbing the american people everyday.

4th. With the economy, we must retrain and school many People on building new eco homes that can be built for many people all around the country for very very cheap, There already eco homes in Nevada, California and Arizona. These homes don't cost hardly that much to make, also the material comes from recycled materials like tires, cans, and many different forms of Materials that you can use from trash dumps. This alone will create tons of jobs, as well as clean the planet up at the same time.

5th From the release of exotic Technologies and free energy to the public, this alone will push for brand new jobs and new education to learn how to use these exotic Technologies. IF you can use the money from the Iraq war now can be put into programs investing in free energy into every home which will Jump start america on a path of peace prosperity and richness for all of our country as well as, Make America very valuable to other countries again. Not to mention cut down on Terrorist and threats from other countries because we would have something that they need.

6th. Invest enough money into research on advance gardening and farming, As well trainng for new jobs in Gardening and farming for the communities which will create Scientific, Gardening and Farming jobs. Like for example we can learn how to grow food and crops on a much very fast pace without using pestisides and chemicals in the plants and crops, by learning natural ways to grow food faster.

7th. You must stop the spraying of Chem trails period which are making thousands of people sick in our country and costing millions of dollars in Health care costs. As well as costing us fuel to fly the planes and the cost of spraying as well.

8th. Restoring our constitution........
9th. The environment as you know that we are loosing trees very rapidly and what we can do is invest a Million dollars to plant Trees all over the country, as will as work on reforest our deserts which is possible. Infact without trees we would not have oxygen so to help people breath better will plant millions of trees. Which this will also help on Health costs because of respiratory problems

10th. Invest enough money into new alternative health care technology, as well as new education to our children about health care, and fitness.


NESARA The Proposed Bill To Change America: Sign the petition


The Nesara Bill pdf

The Nesara home page

Nesara sign this petition to change America now

Go to Care2 On the right Column under Petitions should be the first one.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

David Wilcock guest on Myth and Logic Radio

You all have to check this radio cast out, there are a variety of incredible guest. You can listen to past shows, you can download them as well. David Wilcock will be on tonight at 8pm U.s. Eastern time I also listen to

Coast to Coast am
Bbs Radio
New! Myth and Logic Radio

and Brad's Podcasts from 2012evolution.com or Saviors of Earth

Bbs Radio i found that because i like to listen to Sharon Jeffers, and Blossom Goodchild on there, when they are guests

Coast to coast is still one of my favorites to listen to. I download the podcast to my ipod every other 3 days or so, I don't have time to listen to every single one of these but i thought i would share these with everyone So you can try them out. I have Myth and logic radio on my side panel if you like to listen to the past shows.

I just might Add Brad's podcast on the side panel as well, sometime.

Updated: David Wilcock on myth and logic radio listen here


Humanity Ascending movie trailer

A movie that goes beyond movies, I watched this one and it is the one that started my Awakening a litte under a year ago. There are many movies that blow your minds and really good ones, Like Zeitgeist, the secret, the 11th hour, and 2012 Enigma Which are all incredible but only one is the one. I will try to find this movie online for you if i can find it.

Humanity Ascending Movie


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Light workers United Network

I created a new network for any Light workers out there who would like to Join, I belong to 3 of them now, Care 2, Saviors of Earth, and Lightworkers United. I'll be working on upgrading the network and making sure that it is very user friendly.
here's the link Lightworkers united


Magenta Pixie: Imagination fields of hyperspace

she explains spirit guides and Imagination and dna.
Imagination fields of hyperspace


My speech to all 200TH POST


What is the number one wall that blocks us from our dreams, the need to want more and more, that is what blocks us. We don't need more stuff more things. We all can live on this planet without money, we all can share and create, and fullfill our passions. It takes each and every one of us to move us forward. So if you want peace, harmony and love in the world, you must get rid of the desire to want. I'm not saying give up your passions but we must give up our materialistic wants. I'm willing to share with anyone, even a stranger on the street, i don't care for money anymore. I'd rather use it to help others in a certain way. Money is not evil or good it's only how we use it that defines it. We are greater beings then what we believe to be. We can help so much by doing so little. It's the little things that we do to help humanity, that makes the world a better place. Life doesn't have to be hard. Life can be enjoyable and fun, only if we make the choice to change our selves and beliefs.


Another Remarkable video from David Childerley on 2012 the ascension process

Updated i apologize if you couldn't see this video i didn't know the code i put in didn't work.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Great wake up call

I wrote this a while back and forgot all about it. Now i wrote this back in September and there's been alot of Changes, the good news is we might be going down a better path and ww3 will not happen, as well now we have A new President so many changes have occured after i wrote this. Go ahead and read this hopefully it will wake you up. Updated: i meant back in July, so i really apologize

I’m writing this book for a wake up call on humanity there are many other books written but this one will hopefully open your eyes and your heart. I’m not writing this to scare any of you , but to help you become aware of the situation we are in and where we are heading in these coming end of days. Look inside yourself and see if any of my words give any feeling of truth.

Chapter 1. A new Awakening

For a lot of you out there reading this book, you all have to realize is that reality is so much more then the little box you live in. Time is now very short and we don’t have much longer before we can save ourselves as a whole and on an individual level. You must find your own personal path of truth and cannot go off of everything that you were taught, felt, seen, and or Heard. There is so much delusion, lies and deception that you couldn’t even know what’s real or not anymore. This whole 2012 thing going on is not an end of the world scenario now it can be if we don’t follow the better path. Which means ww3 to end all wars and destroy our civilization as we know it. You think this is a bunch of baloney well maybe you need to do your own research and put pieces together for yourselves. Many thousands of people awaken to they’re truth everyday and it’s going to escalate faster.

Time is also speeding up if you haven’t already noticed already. Our perception of reality is so distorted that you have no idea that we are all completely blind in this world, If your not paying attention you could have a $100 float right passed you and you wouldn’t even see it, Or be walking down the street and passing up some person that might not be of this earth. You are all stuck in your daily lives, watching your TV, renting movies, talking on your cell phone about who did what and she did this. There is a something so much bigger than us that is controlling us under the radar. Our banking institutions, schools, churches, religion, media, news, movies, and so much more that our all part of a controlling system to keep us occupied from our real truth, which Is that we are the creators of our own reality whether we like it or not. Our own government (fbi)(feds)(military)(politicians)(president)(the corporate rich) our in on making this system of they’re running as smoothly as possible to keep us in the dark. Also using reverse psychology by putting the truth right in front of us in our faces and as many cannot see it.

For instance look at a $1 bill U.s. See that pyramid, with the all seeing eye on top does anyone know what that means well I’ll show you. http://www.milkandcookies.com/link/89569/detail/ just check out this video on this link.

We are coming into an age of a new world order for bad or new world galactic society for the good side. If you continue to have fear, hatred, anger, pissed off, anxiety, depression are all negative which you should all know. This is how they control you by using cell phones, TV, electronic devices, to really keep you from moving forward and your awakening. There is so much technology that the government has that can really mess with your mind and even enter your dreams, Flying space ship, teleportation and of course Holographic technology which they are using today in media and in your every day lives. Just like we are the characters on a holodeck from star trek that don’t even know they are on a space ship but in they’re regular lives. What I can tell you is you do have free will and intuition which will tell you what’s true or not.

We are on a verge of a civil war which will possibly start any day now. Against who? Well who else the illuminati, the global elite, and our own government. I don’t think you want your house broken into and your family threatened your rights taken away. Military controlling every street and town with police forces and feds. I don’t think you would really want that. You say you don’t care, well that’s fine and dandy when your put in some furnace and burned slowly because your Asian, black, Hispanic, man, woman, child, old, young, gay, or straight, big or small. It doesn’t matter to them, they could care less for human life or human existence as we know it.

Chapter 2 Now the good news

There are forces at work beyond our comprehension and we will be witnesses of these good intentional forces. The galactic federation of Light which is what we will be part of someday. They are many species from all over the galaxy under one federation like in star trek. They have plans to start contact with us very soon that’s why they’re so many sightings all over the planet. Well believe it or not they are here and been here for some time waiting for the right moment. There is millions of ships hovering our planet as I type this book and yes they do have cloaking technology to stay invisible to the naked eye. These Et’s are actually our brothers and sisters from a far distance that they look almost exactly like us which you’ll see coming soon to a city near you.

They are behind us 100% so we can bring back our constitution after the civil war. Once they make contact with us they will share all they’re knowledge, wisdom, and information about our history, our dna, our human race, where we’d come from and space travel technology. They will also tell us about our future and the coming changes about our planet which are already taking place as you read this. Will the planet earth end in 2012 quite frankly yes, but not how we think it will end. We are heading into a pole shift and a huge dimensional shift in which our planet will transform into something greater for us to live on. Many will possibly die but If you really knew the truth is that they’re isn’t any death it’s only an illusion like I said. We are energy beings of light occupying these bodies of flesh that are just more like biological machines with a very sophisticated computer inside.

Chapter 3 Consciousness

Which is the presence or (awareness) in every human being, animal , and planet, everything is interconnected like in a spider web. Mass consciousness is everyone, all animals and the planet is all part of the whole which we would call source or (god) as you may say it. So when your telling someone off then you are really telling god to f off. We are so connected that you have no idea how close we really are. So It’s time for everyone to wake up and know that we are all part of each other not separate like we were taught to believe in the first place. The government does not want you to know that you are god and an extension of god. When you open your heart to love and service others as well as the planet. Life gets so much better and easier. So stop being influenced by outside sources, friends, or family your heart and mind will tell you the truth.

We are in an evolutionary path to ascend to a higher realm and a higher earth, which we will be so far intelligent, have super powers and almost know everything about the 3d world which yes we will be in 4d world before the planet really transforms completely. We can choose to come back to earth and enjoy all it’s fruits and beauty. All this is actually in the bible but the bible is also part of the whole system to keep us blind. I do believe in some truth in the bible but they took so much out of it. Especially about Et’s. Just like they put the truth right in your faces but you don’t have the glasses to see it. Once you become awaken it’s like putting on a new pair of glasses to see better, with the old pair you can’t see hardly anything and it’s all blurry, but once you try a new pair. Your world becomes completely clear to your eyes.
When you look into a mirror do you think that person your seeing is you, no it isn’t. You are the awareness behind the scenes of your mind. That is who you are, and it isn’t easy to see your own awareness. In time if you practice being present in the moment and feeling your presence then you are awakening. Also when you start seeing the bigger picture of life it’s self and our own government then you are also awakening. When you starting listening to yourself treating others then you are awakening It’s not just one thing it’s many different things put together in one.

Chapter 4 2012

Starting with 2008
Oh if you look up all the crop circles online or in books, they give you clues to what’s coming. I know that there isn’t one crop circle talking about a planet x flying by 2012.
Our old system will start to crumble down and a new system will emerge. Which is happening right now when your reading this book. Probably by now we have a temporary president until general elections in Nov 2008. We might also have a new currency in America as you read this book. Everything is going to change dramatically in the next 3 years from government, schools, culture, music, technology, movies, religion, art, and society. I would say less than 12 months from this book. Now when the planet is ready to go through this gigantic shift, possibly Et’s are planning on picking a lot of us up but not everyone. Mainly to prepare us for ascension to the new realm. They are only here to assist us not by doing the work for us.
We’ll have a new president of course and huge shift in government, First contact will begin a mass landing and these Et’s will be schooling us literally a lot, New technologies coming out this year that will benefit man kind. On the downside though storms will pick up violently heavy and come out of nowhere. They will also be bigger and wider, more giant floods, gigantic earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. Luckily this is the year when the masses will start to open they’re eyes and know it is the end of days like in the bible. Most religious people will believe in some savior coming down to save them well that is completely false last time that happened look where it got us now our civilization is so messed up right now. Our teenagers and children run amok cursing, fighting, overweight, underweight, wars, poverty, racism, religious battles, gangs, shootings, You just see it everywhere do you think that our one true savior wanted that for us. I don’t think so. We have to save ourselves this time but some assistance from Et’s which is fine.

2010 more of the same in 2009 except The new dimension will be almost here, which a lot of us will see spirits, ghosts, lights, auras, colors, weird new animals and creatures, and see through things, also with our powers will be growing rapidly. You will be hearing someone else’s thoughts and many different abilities, you might be pretty scare of this but don’t be your all very powerful.

2011 completely in 4d realm which our reality will be completely transformed by then, the planet won’t even look like what it used to be. And it’s going to be completely awkward to us. Which isn’t a bad thing but something really cool. Our technology by then will be so advanced we can’t even imagine how advanced we will be.
If you look at Nostradomus it says all the bad wars and stuff going to happen not all of it will come to pass. Since finally we will be on a much better path. They’re will be a lot of deaths between then but we all will be united soon again. Death is not the end only a transition just like waking up from a dream of another reality.

Look up these dates online: 8/8/08, 9/9/09, 10/10/10, 11/11/11 all are signifant dates of mass proportion, which 8/8/08 already occurred means a new beginning a change the 8 stands for as above as below, as in heaven as on earth. There is also a crop circle of an 8 appeared on this day. Also the Olympics started on 8/8/08 at 8:08am are you now starting to understand what I’ve been saying the whole time it’s about coming together and bringing change to this planet that needs it desperately in our every day lives as well. The Olympics signify unity and coming together all countries unite in one stadium. Although I’m not sure for the next date 9/9/09 for what’s coming but it’s going to be amazing. Oh time has dramatically increase after these dates, normally time is doubling on these dates. If your reading this book by now you’ll know what I’m talking about. Look for symbols and numbers to correlate everything I’ve been saying. You will be awaken from these writings and your own research ,personal experiences and with your own feelings.


Let your voice be heard and make a difference

Care2 - largest online community for healthy and green living, human rights and animal welfare. This is a site i go to. Which you can sign petitions and do all sorts of things to make a difference. I've been a member for a couple of months so i'm sharing this with all of you.


Ideas to clean the Earth 1

Green Planet

Here's a tip from me, i reuse my bottles all the time If i buy new bottles like my favorite Arizona Green TEa i recycle those bottles. Before you walk out the door take a bottle of water with you one that you can keep and refill whenever you are out. 2nd also when you see plastic bags pick them up and recycle them i do that when i see them. Now i usually drop off my plastic bags i get from the grocery store and recycle them there they have these bins you can place them in. 3rd: I also use those 13w bulbs that are huge energy savers, which you can buy almost any where K-mart, grocery stores, Walmart, Target, Lowes and many other places. 4th: If you have Cats buy the Hard clumping Cat litter so this will save you money and clean the environment up. I know it's a dirty job to clean, but that is a responsibility to having pets.

Vinager and Baking soda


Monday, November 17, 2008

Earthships Incredible homes, live off grid

Part 1

Part 2


The Pleidians and FOL a mesage to all mankind

The real Transformers, some of these clouds might be normal clouds but then you have the other ones that are unexplained.

Pleidian Message to mankind


OBAMA numerology and ORBS

This e-mail was sent to meet through a friend of one of my family members, It is very interesting.
OBAMA numerology and ORBS

A new president always has some interesting, sometimes amazing, cosmic coincidences.

For example the famous Lincoln-Kennedy parallels. Or take the coldest winter day in DC history for the Bush inauguration in 2000.

There is also some interesting numerology surrounding Obama. First, he was announced the winner with 333 electoral votes. That 333 blaring on the screen was a nice confirmation (remember that Bruceism, "once is random, twice is pattern, Trinity is Divinity").

Barak Obama is the 44 president and the newly seated congress is number 111. Both numbers reflect obvious balance and harmony but together is the real power. They add to 11 - the Master number of transformation and Divine Revelation (Jesus was an 11), There is no better energetic or numeric omen for a powerful positive outcome than this wonderfully cosmic coincidence.

Orbs in Grant Park at Obama speech

The most hopeful sign todate of the Obama Presidency has been these Orbs - dimensional intelligences - disclosing a profound message of hope and consciousness to come at Grant Park.

We may have some cause to hope, albeit dimensional, that Barack Obama is something more than a mere tool of the Trilateralists, by the photographic evidence.

Amidst all of this grand speculation, we now have some photographic evidence of how dimensional intelligence in the dimensional ecology we live in may be viewing at least the celebrations on the evening of Nov. 4, 2008 when Barack Obama gave his Election night acknowledgement speech in Grant Park in downtown Chicago. A field of Orbs, intelligent entities, which in their actual size could be quite large, the Orbs being just tips of a dimensional probe into our 3-D reality.

This is a picture of the Rally on the night of Nov 4 when Obama gave his speech.



bigsteelguy Youtube channel

Earth ships- Bio texture


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