A way to transform your windows into a mac Free
If you all want to switch to a windows/Leopard Hybrid without paying $2,000 for a mac. You can have all the same features as a windows and all the features of a mac all in one Hybrid. I said i was going to buy a mac this year but now i changed my mind and installed the Leopard xp brico pack. I have no problems with it what so ever so if you decide if you want a mac do this before you go out and spend $1,000's on a new computer.
Also it is actually an upgrade my computer runs even better than before for some reason.
I know this Blog is about 2012, ufo's, Et's, election, politics, nwo, Illuminati, enlightenment, spirituality, Ascension, ways to save the planet, and so many more. I thought i would expand it and give this info to all of you. If you choose to try it, It might not be good for Apple, but hey they already make billions in profits anyhow on they're pc's by charging so much for they're Macs. We should have a right to choose what we want to do to our computers whether your a mac or microsoft.
My Pc is still Windows Xp but if you would see it, it looks just like a mac and more of an upgrade. The only thing i don't have is ical, imovie, iphoto, idvd, and ivideo.
I do have Safari, imail, itunes, and picasa which is another reason why i like windows a tad bit more than a mac
You can go here to download it and see the pics and article
Computers and internet is 2 of my favorite hobbies, So i thought i would share this with all of you to help you save a little money, if you don't have enough memory or computer power to do this than don't try it. It doesn't take that much though.
I love it since you get the best out of windows and Leopard.