Timewave 2012

Friday, July 17, 2009

America's Shadow Government Pt 1, 2

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Federal Reserve Under Fire (AUDIT THE FED!!)

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Update: Salusa Channeling July 15th 2009

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Usually i don't post channeling's, but i usually read the ones from Salusa only because it resonates with me. If you don't believe or understand channelers then you don't have to listen the videos.

I will now continue to update with These Channeling's on a weekly basis


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Information Revolution 2009 (NWO)

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What is being hidden from us that could change the world?, What can we do? Is There a Solution?

The Solution is Simple:

The solution is Unity, Cooperation, Knowledge, The solution is End the Fed
End the Irs, and turn to a Self Sustainable Way of life.

A Resource Based Economy is where we all must go to, This is our future it is already set in motion, but it is up to us to bring into reality. Lets stop our fighting, lets stop our hating, lets get over our bickering, and blaming, and lets cooperate, and work together. We have an entire culture to rebuild from the ground u p. We all have alot of work to do. We all have alot of communicating to do, and we all must start coming up with ideas on how we can make the Transition.

We are not going back to the old ways, we are going into the Technological and Spiritual age.

So pass this around, and share with others.

A better way of life will not happen if we don't call for it, if we don't demand it. We must Stand up for what we believe in, we must stand up for our children, and we must stand up for the world.


First Contact: The Beginning is Near (The People Need To Know The Truth)


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Please Pass this Video around to everyone you know

Why is it so very important for us all to know the Truth?

Our future Depends on it.



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