An update about ufo Disclosure, i listen to a show called Coast to Coast am and they talk about a number of different subjects from 2012, ufo's, et's, bigfoot, abductions, ghosts, consciousness, evolution, cryptozoology, and so many others.
Also another one the Paracast show which you can get on itunes which is where i listen to my radio shows. The paracast show is only about ufo's and disclosure and it is very informative about updates, it only comes on once a week but it's really a good show.
There is a ufo X conference coming in April which after this 3 day conference there is a group of ufo enthusiasts. They are going to really bring a Tsunami of Pressure on to the media and they feel that the media is going to bite the pressure and finally start asking questions toward the government in press conferences.
I also heard that if the U.s. doesn't disclose in April or May then another country is going to do it very soon and very definite before the end of this summer.
So be prepared that the cover-up is finally be officially over very very soon.
Also First contact is coming and it's going to be massive, Mid 2010 is a rough estimate maybe a little toward the beginning of fall but it is coming none the less.
Are you ready to be part of a Galactic Society? This is going to occur everyone, just learn to accept it and learn to love one another and love your self.