1. Prophecies of the coming Foreigners & new religion: European conquest of the Americas and forced conversion to christianity.
This one has already come to pass
2. The prophecy of the Emergence of Contemporary Mayan Masters and Teachers: Highly Advanced Mayan masters reincarnating in various formsand the new emergence of ancient mayan/Toltee Traditions
This one is also has come to pass and is ongoing
3. The prophecy of the return to the mayan sacred Sites: Reactivation and further use of mayan and other indigeous Sacred sites worldwide to assist in planetary healing and healing/awakening for human beings
This is occuring now
4. The Prophecy of the Return of the supremem being: Return of the great ascended/world class teachers planetwide such as Quetzalcoatl and awakening of Christed Consciousness in all human beings
5. The prophecies of pacal votan: Awakening of new faculties and spiritual powers in all individuals. That includes Telepathy, Telekinesis, levitation, Psychic abilities, remote viewing, Teleportation, super healing, Increased energy, Increased STrength and stamina, creative powers, and so many more
6. The prophecy of Galactic Alignment: The earth and the solar system come into physical and energetic alignment with the galactic center, thus heralding a new age of growth, peace, and enlightenment.
7. Prophecy related to the Milky way: The galactic Alignment of 12/21/2012 will see the winter solstice sun align with the Dark rift (or black hole) at the Galactic center bringing in and grounding new high frequency energies.
8. Prophecy related to the moon: Moon energy relates to man's intoxication with materialism and says the major flooding will occur during this cycle, but that a more contented and spiritual age will follw.
Lands will sink and lands will rise, meaning floods in all areas. Deserts will turn to oceans for an example. The places where needs the most cleansing will get the floods.
9. Prophecy related to Venus: an age of violence, strife, warfare gives way to the return of higher unconditional love and compassion.
This one is happening right now
10. The Prophecy of Transition to a New age: The Recovery of ancient Wisdom, Self responsibility, and a time of regeneration for humanity and mother earth.
11. The Prophecy of the Unity of Mankind: Human Beings begin to realize their essential unity in order to create a more peaceful and saner world and solve their problems.
12. The Prophecy of a New Enlightenment: A radical Shift happens in our perception and understanding in regards to our Relationship with nature and the universe.
Which is occuring right now
13. The Prophecy of Cosmic Consciousness: An initiation into Cosmic Wisdom and the understanding that everything is really energy.
14. The Prophecy of Recovered Memory: We will recover our memories of the real history of mother earth and remember that we are all one.
15. The prophecy of the Destruction of the Mother earth: Chaos and destruction in all kingdoms of nature: floods, earthquakes, etc. But not the end of the world, Just the "end of the world as we know it"
16. The Prophecies of earth changes, ecology & Climate: Cleansing and readjustment period for nature and mother earth partly due to human exploitation of them.
17. The Prophecy of changes to the Earth's Magnetic field: Possible magnetic shift of poles and Planetary Magnetic field leading to some climate changes but also new perceptions and energies for human evolution.
18. Prophecies of Evolution & Genetics: HUmanity enters a new age of collective species evolution that will affect all humans. Spontaneous awakening of Crown and third eye chakras and awakening of ancient but dormant faculties and abilities programmed into mutating human Junk Dna.
19. The Prophecy of Transcending Technology: We will remember and recover our true potentional psychic and spiritual abilities and leave behind the old ac/dc based Technology for a new one that is psychotronic based and connected to human thought and cosmic energies.
20. The prophecy of Time: A new Understanding of time as energy and perception and the ability to step up literally outside of linear time sense.
21. The Prophecy that we are The Prophecy: WE are the ones we have been waiting for. We realize that we can take Responsibility to create a new world or go under as a result of spiritual Blindness.