A message to everyone that i know or don't know as well
This is a message that I wrote for all of you.
To all my Readers of my Blog and to all my Friends on all the communities that I’m a part of.
I’m not the perfect person in this life time, but my God self is perfect. I havn’t taken a much better path than I should have, But I can say that I am so thankful for the friends I have and the friends I’ve made. You might not really listen to me or really care, but that is ok. Something within me told me that I had to send this message to everyone.
Don’t ever let go of your friends and family, cherish them in every moment. We are not disconnected, but we are all family and includes our space brothers and sisters. Love one another like if you were twins and soul mates. Some times It can get really hard during life and it can get frustrating at times, believe me I know. Just remember that everything is as is it is, and everything will be just fine. Life is going to get better for every one of us. So keep your head up, Talk to someone, give someone a call. Hug your neighber or give some money to some lost soul digging in a garbage can for food. Donate food, give a blanket to someone who doesn’t have one, or whatever else you decide what you want to do.
I’ve never written something like this before but I’m writing this now. You are all so loved by my heart and soul, These words that I speak cannot even describe what I feel for you all. You listened to my problems and read my blogs, and really help me on my spiritual path, even though sometimes I don’t feel like I’m on it.
I will continue to post on my blog and continue to check in with all the communities that I’m a part of. So to end this on a special note and that We are going to have a tremendous event that is indescribable and so wonderful that many of us will be caught in tears. This Event is coming and all I can say is Let peace and joy be with you all.