The future is in your hands
Youtube is a little bit better version
As we move toward the End of time and the end of 3d, we are entering a new Age of love and a new Dimension of Reality, Transformation is going to occur all around us and within us. We are Evolving into Golden Angels with New Bodies and New abilities. There is no better time to be alive then Now. Live in Peace and love and Stay away from Fear.
Evolution Revolution with Bob Friedman & Eckhart Tolle
An incredible show and they also bring up the Zeitgeist movies as well
Planet Earth from the Secret
Singing Animals
See wishes do come True
This is probably my last Post until after the New Years So for all my readers have a wonderful christmas and a Happy new Year 2009
Use the heading in () from the title and put that into the subject line
We all need a mass awakening and i'm striving to get as many people awakened as possible but not without your help, share this e-mail and send it to as many people as possible. I did keep the E-mail straight and too the point. So thank for your help and support. Remember i love you all very much and give this e-mail to everyone you know and tell them there is hope. That would be a good Christmas present.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year
Copy and paste this e-mail
"If you want serious and major change that this society and Culture really needs you must read this E-mail and watch the videos. If you havn't heard of the Venus project I strongly suggest you go here second you need to watch the videos in this e-mail then you need to sign the Venus project Petition
Why do you ask? Why is this so important? Well lets start out telling you look at the money in your wallet do you really believe that this little piece of paper caused 98% of our worlds problems, or what about the numbers on the computer screen. Your saying how is that so? Because of Greed and incentive, if the entire drive of humanity is to make him self rich and leave the rest of the people out on the streets with no food, shelter and water, I don't believe deep down in your heart that you really want to live like that. For some it's already too late and they're lives are suffering on the streets today. The Venus Project is one Giant world wide solution to all our problems, from Poverty, education, rape, wars, crime, foreclosures, fuel prices, to energy and the environment. We are heading into a new year and do you all want to continue this monetary system while the rich get richer and the poorer get poorer, I didn't think so. Millions of millions of people are fed up with the way things are and enough is enough, we must begin a new, and start a new system from a profit based system to a Resource based system where People become more important than money and more valuable.
Everyone could have everything they needed if we didn't have such greed, there are plenty of Resources and food and water all around the world. But money causes fear and scarcity. That needs to be changed, so what I'm saying is start taking charge and become responsible because you are, all of us are responsible for this old system. The more this old system starts collapse the more you are start asking questions, and wondering what the solution is. There is a solution and the government does not want you to know about for they're own benefit. It is your life your choice your family that can stand up with the rest of us and work towards a common goal (The Venus Project)
There is a movie Called (future by design) and (Zeitgeist Addendum) 2 very important movies that wouldn't be shown your movie Theatre's or on your Tv for that matter only exclusive to the Internet.
Venus project 1
Venus project 2
Venus project 3
Venus project 4
Venus project 5
Venus project 6
Thankyou for taking the time to listen.
Please forward this e-mail to as many friends as possible, get this information out to millions. The movement has already begun before I wrote this e-mail. "
I apologize a few movies do not work on my page
Future by design
The secret
2012 the odyssy
I believe that is it. You can still watch the full movie of the Secret right here
Google took down the other 2 videos since i looked everywhere for them. So i apologize for that.
There are alot of Trailers and other videos of The Venus Project and future by design, but not the full length film.
IF you havn't watched Future by Design you have to buy the Dvd i'm telling you that it will really show you how we can all live in peace in harmony with the planet and Technology together. But if you can do something by signing the Petition and passing videos, websites, and articles around to your friends and family As well as get this Petition out. If you don't believe it can be done than don't, But millions of others are believing more and more that this can be our future this can be the way. This is our answer to all our problems that our around the world today. The petition is on the right side, don't be afraid or shy to sign it.
So pass out Zeitgeist Addendum, and all the Venus Project videos There is a movement and it us we can make can change the world. Ofcourse it's going to take many others to work within them selves and find they're own truth. When you have millions of people believing in a goal a future that we all want like the Venus Project it will manifest really fast.
I'm really learning that believing is seeing not seeing is Believing.
Updated: Watch these 3 films from the Zeitgeist Addendum movie
Merry Christmas everyone, Keep spreading the word.
Much love to you all
Out of the Darkness We walk a path into the light, in these troubled times all seems lost, but There is something happening behind the curtain that is changing our hearts and Minds, we are becoming one Love, We are becoming one light, we are becoming one heart Beat. It is not the end of the world only a new beginning and a new start for all. We are all in on this journey together. No matter what. You will always have somebody beside you to comfort you, to stand by you, and to Love you. You are never alone and you are never without grace. If we were out in space looking at the planet from a distance we would only see one big blue giant planet. Transformation is amongst us and there is hope for all, stay strong in your heart. STay focused your mind and be who you are, being LOve, being Vibration. Give a smile at a stranger, give someone a hug. Just remember Hope and our passion is what will keep us strong in these troubled times.
By Aaron
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