Timewave 2012

Friday, September 26, 2008

Illusion of your reality 2012

They didn't teach you this in school
Part 1.
Part 2.


Know your self, The secret REvealed

It's time for you to know who you all are


A message from Blossom Goodchild on the coming event

This is an update from September 22 i thought all would like to read the message from the Federation of Light.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

October 14th, web bots, and our government

The Illuminati want to lie to us and put fear into us about these Et's, they are going to try to do this before October 14th, trying to crash the Economy, a possible Terrorist attack like 911 so they can start martial Law on the 1st. They will attempt to use project bluebeam but Et's will stop that. So with all the stuff you see happening on the news, in the media with the Economic disaster, and so much stuff is leading up to this wonderful date. Is a huge attempt to keep people distracted from the coming mothership on the 14th. What you all don't realize is the Illuminati are finished and this is going to be they're last attempt at controlling us. So expect alot of changes in society, schools, culture, more Earth changes. Mccain will possibly step down and someone will replace him. The truth of 911 and who is behind all the things that went on from the Dark side is going to show up very soon. So this is what the web bot guys are predicting they don't know it yet but they are sort of right and wrong at the same time. I'm not predicting the future here but from putting all predictions, dreams, visions and many other sources all together to come to a conclusion of what might be happening very soon. I'm a truth seeker i want to spread the truth. Remember to take a deep breath everything will be fine, do not fear any government or Et's. FEAR NOTHING!!!! EVEN DEATH


This might help put your fears to rest.

September 11, 2008

This is Matthew with loving greetings and our perspective of the potential for a "very substantial and disruptive" event, perhaps even another "9/11," happening during the next couple of weeks. The collective consciousness, or universal mind, that some individuals have the ability to tap into includes all thought forms, both light and dark, from The Beginning of Creation. Relative to dark thought forms, those of antiquity were attracted by those in the planning of "9/11," and the force of that combined energy enabled the Illuminati to manifest that tragic day. That is when Earth chose never again to experience such death and destruction at the hands of dark ones, and in honoring her free will choice, God authorized off-planet helpers to use their technology to prevent all such unconscionable attempts anywhere in the world. Since then they have done so successfully on as many as a dozen occasions.

Let us speak of this moment. The activity in Earth's energy field of potential is in as much foment as we have ever seen, with ever-increasing light streamers to preclude more zig-zagging of the kind the dark ones have been causing by lashing out in all directions in deepening desperation and fear. These Earth puppets of the darkness have been seeing their power erode to the extent that it is "do or die" time, and despite their failure in plot after plot, they feel that they still have a chance to prevail if they can prevent both of the following scenarios that indeed will be "very substantial and disruptive" events. They cannot prevent either.

First, the undeniable presence of other civilizations. If safety cannot be assured for people on the planet and souls in the star nations themselves for their announced appearance October 14, the delay in that occurrence would not be lengthy--simply, the time for this has come. And when it happens, it will be extremely disruptive especially within the US government, which long has been under Illuminati control and thus denied even the possibility of other civilizations' existence, much less admit that extraterrestrials have met with its leaders and the consequences meted out to those beings who came with only peaceful intentions. Second, the truth about who planned and executed "9/11." In the higher vibrations in which Earth is now orbiting, that truth cannot be hidden much longer; when it emerges along with its even deeper purpose than controlling oil resources in the Mideast, which is to dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples, the Illuminati's long reign of terror will meet its just end. The global impact of these two major events is part of the ongoing world transformation and spiritual renewal of Earth's humankind, the God-blessed "ascension" joint venture with your space brotherhood that all of you on the planet chose in pre-birth agreements to be participants.

It is equally important that you know what other individuals who also have the ability to tap into the collective consciousness are seeing. Many are accurately seeing what we have described in Earth's Golden Age—the loving, peaceful life of all peoples, the restoration of your planet's health and beauty, the harmonious co-existence of humankind with all of Nature. In this wondrous Earth that is on the near horizon and already created in the continuum, there is no fear, no violence or greed or bigotry or any other divisiveness that thrives in a third density world. The choice is yours as to which world you want to be in, but because of our unconditional love for every soul, we pray you will choose the one of love and peace.

(I feel he is almost correct that these events will happen and very soon, especially the truth of 911 coming out and Et's showing up.) Although i do think these next 3 weeks are going to be very emotional and scary as well as the next four months but we will turn our country around and Obama will be president.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Where is the Love folks?

A fine video made for October 14th 2008 i really wanted to create my own the my movie making program is not working very well. For some reason

Let's make this date something special for us whether they come or not, i'm sure they are going to show, Let's make this day More than Idependance day, more than Earth day. We can call this Universal Love day


More unusual clouds over Arizona, More signs more signs

These weird clouds appeared over Show Low,AZ. 9-22-08 about 10 am. Wind was blowing quite strongly in the upper atmosphere.They would appear as oval shaped blobs coming from the west, start getting holes and then eventually just turn into wisp like spider webs. They were colored, as if a rainbow was in the cloud. There were also regular clouds, but the strange clouds only lasted maybe 15-20minutes.

You'll start seeing more here soon, If you don't believe that they(ET's) using the sky for signs you need start looking up. I've seen some weird clouds and i've been becoming a sky watcher. There is so much beauty your all not seeing it yet. Put all your beliefs and skeptism aside and look up. We are on such a beautiful planet there was this sunset that i seen which i'll put on here that brought tears to my eyes


will Goodchild's prediction come true?

Will Goodchild's Prediction come true?

Stephane Wuttunee: Like wildfires in the Australian outback, rumors of an upcoming mass televised UFO sighting over American skies are taking the Internet by storm.

Blossom Goodchild, an Aussie actress and author, has the international Ufology community on its ear with channeled information concerning the eminent appearance of a massive extraterrestrial spacecraft for October 14th, 2008. Calling themselves ‘The Federation of Light’, these Beings from another world have stated to Goodchild that they intend not only to make themselves known, but also to remain more or less in place for a full 72 hour period, thereby providing the media with ample opportunity to once and for all capture on film evidence that will silence the skeptics and debunkers forever. The predicted rendezvous point? Alabama.


And here's the kicker; she isn't the only one making the prediction. Unbeknownst perhaps even to themselves, statements made by other individuals in the past corroborate her findings, one of these being immortalized on paper by Dannion Brinkley. In his latest book (entitled “Secrets of the Light” and published in 2004) on page 222 Brinkley says:

“By the year 2008, the fact that we are not alone in the universe will be made undeniably clear to everyone on the planet. With millions of planets and billions of stars, I cannot fathom how we could ever thought in any other terms. However, for those who have doubted, the extraterrestrials will make themselves known. I believe they feel they have no choice but to show themselves as we verge on self-annihilation, genocide and toxic poisoning. The truth of our inter-galactic lineage will become common knowledge. If I am to believe the vision, the truth of our intergalactic lineage will cause humanity to take one wild ride.”

A few things stand out in all this. For one, it is rather unusual for channels and mediums to give exact dates and places for events to occur - let alone the appearance of an alien spacecraft. Some leeway and margin of error is usually provided to allow for interpretation (and for people with less than honorable intentions, room to squiggle out from). Not in this case. Goodchild is adamant and steadfast on the date.

Another point to keep in mind is that from reading the materials on her web site (www.blossomgoodchild.com), Goodchild herself seems at odds with the information - almost as if she thinks herself unfit for the task of bringing this information to the world. This again, is quite unusual for channels and mediums. If anything, such people rarely exhibit doubt or disbelief in their own predictions.

Naysayers will immediately dismiss Goodchild’s statements as ludicrous. However, if Goodchild was consciously perpetrating a hoax and simply wanted to make money with all this (after all, she is an author and actress), she is definitely going about it in the wrong manner. Any skilled marketing representative would tell her to do two things: 1) Be less specific of the date on which the craft is supposed to appear (actually, they would most likely tell her to put it off by at least nine months), and 2) Flood the market with products and services (books, videos, seminar appearances and lectures, etc) so the money can start pouring in. She's done neither. Actually, her prediction was made on August 22nd of this year, with “showtime” being less than three months away - far too soon a timeline for the reaping of financial rewards or fame.

Speaking of which…

There is also the inevitable credibility factor to consider. If Goodchild proves to be wrong with this information, it is obvious that whoever enjoyed reading her materials before will begin to shun and avoid her in the future (much like our beloved and elusive Bigfoot hunters from Georgia). So on a personal level, quite a bit is at stake for Goodchild. And she would know this.

To stir the waters even further, consider that the Canadian Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper in the last week has called for surprise federal elections to occur on (you guessed it) … October 14th, 2008. According to Mr. Alfred Webre from Exopolitics.com, world officials are taking the announcement of the arrival of an extraterrestrial spacecraft in our skies seriously, and plans may already be underway to pull public focus away from such a seminal event and place it on more domestic and political issues instead.

In this case, the controversy generated by surprise federal elections would tie up Canadian airwaves quite nicely. If extraterrestrials wish for their presence to be known to the world on that day, they would need to account for this type of potential interference, along with one million other variables.

Of course, being highly evolved Beings, they (hopefully) would.

In any case, the heat on the forums is palpable. YouTube videos on Goodchild’s predictions are everywhere. And as one forum member on Unexplained-Mysteries remarked, the date itself is unique because October 14th 2008 translates to 10-14-2008, which becomes (if you subtract each number from the next) …minus 2012. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Even if Blossom turns out to be wrong and nothing occurs on or around October 14th this year, it is clear by humanity's current state of affairs that something of this nature needs to occur anyhow - and sooner rather than later. Full on contact and (to a degree) interference within human affairs cannot occur prior to a series of events such as these that will undeniably make the entire world acknowledge once and for all that Extraterrestrials are real. Whomever is watching over us needs to make themselves known, and any medium is viable, whether they are electronic, or human.

I say Bring it on, Baby!

Article Copyright© Stephane Wuttunee


October 14th the day all of our lives will change

What an incredible video, with my favorite song as well. For all skeptics and people who don't believe in Et's or this Date, There comes time where moment in history comes around where we see ourselves in a much bigger picture, we no longer need to fighting or judging or hurting one another. Speckalating if this is real or not. Whether it will happen on that day or not. We must shine our light where the darkness is. We all can come together on this day, and just share love for someone next to you. You have to know that we are on the verge of destruction and chaos, that only thing that will help us is each other. To keep each other grounded do not fear these Et's they are only coming to share they're love and to show us they exist nothing more. Stay true to your feelings listen to your inner guide, And shine that light

I do apologize for the videos i put up here about martial law and economic collapse but that is what is coming before this event. The more love we share the less the government can do stop us.

Peace, light and love to all


October 1st, 2008 Martial Law, our own military against people like you and me

This is so sick on how this government is going, If you havn't woken up yet you will be soon. I've tried to warn people left and right but no one believes me. I've been right on and finding the right information for this blog. This is going to be the last attempt against the american people and it's not going to work because the light is getting brighter and brighter every day. I expect this to happen for maybe 2 to 3 weeks then things will start changing for the better. It's going to be pretty bad before things get better. Just remember stay positive send love to everyone including are military even though they are misguided and brainwashed. I know i used to be in the military.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Petition to abolish the federal Reserve

To: U.S. Congress This petition calls for the abolishment, by Congress of The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. To return all the rights and profits, from the creation of money to the rightful heirs, the citizens and the U.S. Government. It is outrageous that private banks and the FED can create our money and collect interest on it. If we must pay interest on monies created and loaned, let it be the United States of America that receives it, not some private interest.

We have lost our freedom to the private banks that create money out of thin air and enslave the common man to a life of debt. If we are to be indebted let it be to our country and not the bankers.

"The States should be applied to, to transfer the right of issuing circulating paper to Congress exclusively, in perpetuum." --Thomas Jefferson to John W. Eppes, 1813. ME 13:276

"[The] Bank of the United States... is one of the most deadly hostility existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution... An institution like this, penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government. I deem no government safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities, or any other authority than that of the nation, or its regular functionaries. What an obstruction could not this bank of the United States, with all its branch banks, be in time of war! It might dictate to us the peace we should accept, or withdraw its aids. Ought we then to give further growth to an institution so powerful, so hostile?" --Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1803. ME 10:437


David Wilcock interview on the Economy, Et's, Illuminati, and Annunaki




You'll have to go to youtube to watch the rest


A war going on between Et's and our Government

Secret war going on, behind our backs I already knew about this so here is some proof to put up on my blog.


Vote John Mccain and we'll have alot more wars behind our backs

That's right my friends alot of you believe what the media tells you, well just listen to Mccain. How much more bloodshed do we need how many more people will wake up. I hope people know who they are really voting for. Look into Barrack Obama's true history not the stuff that these Illimunati are saying about him. The don't want Obama to win for a particular reason. They wanted Clinton and Mccain running beside each other. I pray Obama does not choose Hillary i totally do not trust her.


September Prediction on Coast to Coast am

Pretty darn close so far, I strongly suggest this show to many out there, if you havn't heard of it yet it's been on for very long time and has millions of listeners.


Prediction from Lewis on Coast to Coast am

LIke i said things are going to get better, keep your heads up, think positive, we will see things getting better in February.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton to replace Joe Biden in October as VP candidate


This was sent to me by a completely different source than anything else I have sent to any of you and is sent to me by someone who has family on the inside of the DNC.



On or about October 5th, Biden will excuse himself from the ticket, citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary. This is timed to occur after the VP debate on 10/2.

There have been talks all weekend about how to proceed with this info. Generally, the feeling is that we should all go ahead and get it out there to as many blog sites and personal email lists as is possible. I have already seen a few short blurbs about this; the \"health problem\" cited in those articles was aneurysm. Probably many of you have heard the same rumblings.

However, at this point, with this inside info from the DNC, it looks as if this Obama strategy will be a go. Therefore, it seems that the best strategy is to get out in front of this Obama maneuver, spell it out in detail, and thereby expose it for the grand manipulation that it is.

So, let\'s start mixing this one up and cut this wickedness and manipulation off at the pass. Send this info out to as many people as you can, and post about it on websites and blogs, etc.

(This is from an Insider source) I don't Trust Hillary Clinton at all, she's all about Greed So pass this Message on to others


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blossom Goodchild being Interviewed by Mike Quencey Part 7, and 8


Blossom Goodchild interviewed by Mike Quencey Part 3-6

I will add the other videos soon, be patient.


Pleiadian intervention 2008 Bluebeam to be made inoperative

Message from the Pleiadian's It was put on a little earlier this year, If you still don't believe in Et's, ufo's, Aliens or Galactic federation of Light you have a hard nose truth coming at you and it's coming fast. I'm here to prepare you for what's to come.


Blossom Goodchild being interviewed by Mike Quencey

This interview took place on Friday i'll put video 1 and 2 but you must go to youtube to watch 3-6


Cloud ships Federation of Light

What a wonderful video



bigsteelguy Youtube channel

Earth ships- Bio texture


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