Timewave 2012

Monday, November 17, 2008

OBAMA numerology and ORBS

This e-mail was sent to meet through a friend of one of my family members, It is very interesting.
OBAMA numerology and ORBS

A new president always has some interesting, sometimes amazing, cosmic coincidences.

For example the famous Lincoln-Kennedy parallels. Or take the coldest winter day in DC history for the Bush inauguration in 2000.

There is also some interesting numerology surrounding Obama. First, he was announced the winner with 333 electoral votes. That 333 blaring on the screen was a nice confirmation (remember that Bruceism, "once is random, twice is pattern, Trinity is Divinity").

Barak Obama is the 44 president and the newly seated congress is number 111. Both numbers reflect obvious balance and harmony but together is the real power. They add to 11 - the Master number of transformation and Divine Revelation (Jesus was an 11), There is no better energetic or numeric omen for a powerful positive outcome than this wonderfully cosmic coincidence.

Orbs in Grant Park at Obama speech

The most hopeful sign todate of the Obama Presidency has been these Orbs - dimensional intelligences - disclosing a profound message of hope and consciousness to come at Grant Park.

We may have some cause to hope, albeit dimensional, that Barack Obama is something more than a mere tool of the Trilateralists, by the photographic evidence.

Amidst all of this grand speculation, we now have some photographic evidence of how dimensional intelligence in the dimensional ecology we live in may be viewing at least the celebrations on the evening of Nov. 4, 2008 when Barack Obama gave his Election night acknowledgement speech in Grant Park in downtown Chicago. A field of Orbs, intelligent entities, which in their actual size could be quite large, the Orbs being just tips of a dimensional probe into our 3-D reality.

This is a picture of the Rally on the night of Nov 4 when Obama gave his speech.


Anonymous,  March 12, 2009 at 1:28 PM  

Barack Obama was born August 4 ,1961.
His marriage was at the age of 31(3+1=4).He was elected President in the November 4 election.He is the 4th
youngest US President.Also,148 years have passed since the swearing in of Lincoln(148 adds up to 4).Also,it is
after 40 years(4+0=4) of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
In a particular numerological way the year 2008 was important for obama.
He was born in 1961 which gives 17 by addition.1961+17 makes 1978.Now,1978 brings 25 by addition.Add 25
to 1978.That gives 2003.Number 2003 gives 5 by addition.Adding 5 to 2003 makes 2008.
Is it a mere number crunching? No ,not at all!
To substantiate this point see the case of Saddam Hussein .He was born in 1937 .Adding the numbers in 1937
gives 20 .Add 20 to 1937.Then we get 1957.It was in 1957 that Saddam joined the Revolutionary
Now add the numbers in 1957.Then we get 22.Adding 22 to 1957 gives 1979.
Saddam became Iraq president in the year 1979.
coming back to Obama,his name number (occult number) is 26 which adds up to 8.
Michelle was born on january 17,1964.Hence her birth number is 8.Her occult number is 44.
Surprisingly,the fate number of Obama and Michelle is same.Their fate number is 29.It is obtained by adding
together the numbers of the date,month and year of birth.
Briefly,Obama and Michelle carry the same fate number and occult number.
Since the fate number is 29,the year 2009 is going to be highly epoch making in their life. “


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