Timewave 2012

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Multi-Dimensional Mass Telepathic Awakening 2012 Global Shifts

Really powerful video, Incredible wisdom and knowledge of 2012.

We are all going to be stepping outside of time and revert back to oneness by 2012.

This is the best explanation on 2012 so far online.

What is really going to happen on Dec 21st 2012 well a new reality is going to be created by all of us, for starters. Many of us will be so far evolved we will be able to step out of time, time travel, teleport, lift objects with our mind, maybe fly, Instant healing, Super health, expanded knowledge and wisdom, super intelligence, start fires with our own energy, and so many other abilities. Many other people are just now beginning to become psychic and intuitive this will the first step then, super healing which will lead to instant healing next will be telepathy then all the other abilities will follow. We will have so much more knowledge of the universe, also expect a great deal of Transformation in our society for the better beginning this year which will start to become visible very soon.

Technology is going to advance by 100 years in the next 3 years, except when 2012 comes around we will be so powerful that we will no longer need technology but will still use it if we choose to.

So are you all ready to go through this mass awakening, giant consciousness shift. This event will be so big that it will be very hard to live in the old ways when this really happens. Infact it is really getting hard now, that is why you see all this doom and gloom going on all over the internet and the news, it's not the end it's just a new beginning for all of us.

A new reality is coming.

I hope all those people stocking up on ammo start really seeing the bigger picture. I'm sure they are going to say why did i buy all that ammo. Infact a year ago i stocked up on food and water and cat food, and silver and gold. You can stock up all you want, but you will never be totally prepared, unless you are prepared spiritually, Which i'm still going through my self, i have my up and down days doing whatever i can to work on myself as well getting out and communicating with others and helping out.

So For all of you doom and gloomers sorry to ruin your plans. Just learn to love your self and others, and you will be fine.

The game of life is who ever loves the most wins the game.


Torz Baron-Copley March 29, 2009 at 9:03 AM  

Lovely post Aaron, may I put it on my facebook please, I have rather a large following now, who await the next titbit of info...

you can find me Torz sandall.

Love to you Aaron, you are growing spiritually day by day...
love you xxx


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