Timewave 2012

Friday, September 4, 2009

end of the world movies and tv entertainment

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The Road

We all love our entertainment, but this whole end of the world movies and tv shows are getting worse and worse. There are just too many coming out before 2012. These shows will get more and more negative,

2012, Legion and now this one The Road, Is really to just put more fear into people to create those kind of events.

Sure there are earth changes and many other issues that we have but nothing that is very apocolyptic. Just don't fear all these major transformations that are taking place. Positive and negative events are happening faster and faster. It is going to come down to how are we going to react towards these events.

Legion is just a big disgusting joke, Angels coming down to eliminate man and women, while these angels use guns. All i can say is alot of the peole that create these movies have really sick minds and i havn't seen one positive movie on the future, except Zeitgeist Addendum.
You can watch the trailers but please stay away from these films because we don't need to create that for our own reality.



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